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Everything posted by Jeffrey

  1. Good, not only did he suck but he quit after he sucked, that just shows his personality... a quiter. No team will touch him unless they are very desperate for a 3rd string back. No court order will get him drafted, he has no leg to stand on now.
  2. If a pro team will touch him, he played one year and got hurt in College ball. He is a peice of shit personally and professionally.
  3. Jeffrey

    First Mod

    The first thing I put in when reassembling the engine in the Buick woulda been the cam, the rest of the $2500 worth of mods that came with the car quickly followed.
  4. No emissions here, good thing too the Buick would never get past the visual anyway. I think the fucked up sound may have something to with the muffler, then again I always wondered what a V8 would sound like with a fart pie (just like everything else with a fart pipe.... shitty). And it may be slow now (stock 95 LT-1) but give it time the guy who built it is a pretty good fabricator so I would like to see what he can make of it.
  5. A local guy down here decided it would be a good idea to take a 10th Anniversary RX-7 and drop a LT-1 engine into it, some pretty sweet results too! Although I am sure some diehard rotary guys are going to be PISSED! Oh well, its still a sweet car! http://www.rx7clubofflorida.com/videos/lt1-10ae-sm.wmv
  6. Wow I actually agree with Wonka, scary And theives hitting the same house twice, I believe it. You gotta remember most thieves are cracked out jobless losers who are not the brightest crayons in the box, so hitting the same place again may sound like a good idea to them.
  7. Damn I was hoping we finally got rid of him!
  8. Good job, I know if mine is ever stolen I would want someone to do the same thing. But I would not forget to thank them!
  9. Let me get this straight, a guy in a 240 was drifting around a corner on a public road when other cars where on the road? And you think that is cool? I must be getting old cuz I probably would yanked that kid outta that car and laid into him for being a complete dumbass.
  10. Wonka is just angry that people are tired of his negative comments on everything. You whine more than anyone I have ever seen, yet you call me a whiney bitch?
  11. Steelers may have had the best record but they still aren't in the Super Bowl, and Wonka is still a dickhead. Glad to see much has not changed. Did I mention Wonka is a faggot and a dickhead? God I hate that purple suit wearing pussy.
  12. I see what you are saying I have heard they go crazy with rates when you have tickets with them. We will probably switch to them for autos in a few monthes once my wifes record drops off to get some better rates. We have renters insurance through them now and we pay $28 a month for a $30k policy, not bad since we live in hurricane country. The best part is it will never go up no matter where we move. Good luck though.
  13. Congrats Anthony. Looks like a cool place, I will have to get the tour when I come home in September.
  14. Sadly he will probably spend the night in jail, post bail, and then get away with 2 years of probation. Our legal system sucks!
  15. Hey Anthony, being that you are technically retired military I am sure you could use USAA, the give some pretty good rates.
  16. Just stating that without F&F I have a hard time seeing NOPI even being around, and they rely on that and even named a championship or whatever after it. Yes I know there are some fast cars, but honestly none of them interest me, the only class that does interest me is the fastest class they offer which is predominetly RWD. Yeah Lisa Kubo got a FWD into the 7's that's impressive for a FWD 4 cylinder and I give her and her team respect for it, I just don't get excited and interested in it.
  17. Considering NOPI used to have something called the fast and furious championship (or something like that, it was F&F related) I would say it is just a big gay ricerfest.
  18. Jeffrey


    Dammit I hate the Patriots, the Colts have to win there sometime but I guess we will have to wait till next year. I really hope the Steelers really fuck them up.
  19. Jeffrey

    Columbus racing

    Sorry it's not Grammar-Club, the super automotive message board that will also help you get your english degree! There is more to life than cars and racing.
  20. Anyone else tired of Joe's constant bashing of other people's cars because they don't look like everything else on the road? We know you don't like rice, we know you don't like the change from normal econo-box to abnormal econo-box, you've mentioned it anytime a post about it has come up over the past 3 years. We get the idea!
  21. My wife uses the patch, been over 2 years and no kids yet so I say it works good. Just have to make sure you change it when you are supposed to or it does become ineffective.
  22. Jeffrey


    WTF is that gay speak for your right?
  23. Hey Marc, don't worry you may get a shot at the Buick if I decide to bring it up next September. That gives you plenty of time to get your broken down POS running, hell while we are at it your dad can join us too, that way I can own your whole family at the same time, Buick > Cark & ZO6.
  24. Jeffrey


    Damn pops I wasn't even alive in 1979 (just kidding lol) I see the Steelers and Colts facing off in the Playoffs, I'd say a big factor will be the weather, although he is a great quarterback, Manning just doesn't seem to play as well in bad weather as he does in domes/clear weather. A nice day in Pittsburgh would not be a good thing. I still say Colts vs Eagles in the Super Bowl.
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