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Everything posted by Amy

  1. Amy

    NTR on 7/11

    I'll be flyrng home that day and should be able to get the car in time. need to get in some practice before fun ford weekend that weekend.
  2. thanks meg. call me today! def hope to see you guys there!
  3. yeah sorry bout that im not the best at phone posting! haha
  4. haha thx brian. killjoy ill post up the times friday when we know. i just wanted to get the info we have so far, up and posted since its only a month away! i want to get this posted on all the local boards. the cr proceeds will go to help out for the norwalk track day. brian all your help is greatly appreciated! everyone who would like to volunteer some help let me know... we will need some stereo equiptment for music for sure. post more as we find out guys!
  5. posting this from my phone and messed up. hah
  6. well we will have a import catagory... lap dances. .. umm yeah no gift certificates for that. diana, yeah you better be there! ryan thanks hun. call me later
  7. ok first off im posting this from my phone hence all lower case letters lol. anyways, i am going to host a car show this summer. trying to get some of my race sponsors to come out and some of the local shops like catalogna performance, the rx7 store and many others will be attending. we will be having it on aug. 18 th. we are trying to have it at qs&l but will know for sure Friday. we will have awards, music, food, photo sessions with our team model hopefully. post more later.
  8. haha you'd be suprised how many people stop and say oh your that chick with the fast mustang haha
  9. oh i see how it is... im not loved anymore. haha
  10. umm ok lol well it was a maroon o4 cobra and i didnt get on it, its just that loud when i touch the gas and i was trying to get over quick. the cobra and the saleen went at it. he wouldnt mess with me. but ya i saw ya. yea i thread bout me haha i feel special lol
  11. this is the dumbest thread. who cares who does what as long as you enjoy your car. the end. so killjoy you still wanna dig my 14 sec mustang?
  12. We all went out! :-) Went to see the GT-Oness thats in town..
  13. Hey I'm being good hah:-)
  14. anthony or lani mind if i ride up with you guys?
  15. Was the cruise today? or tomorrow?
  16. hey meg you can take a certian guy with you and dump him in the ocean for me along with his little car too. haha have fun freezing to death. you and dave have a safe trip down there!
  17. Amy

    Track Wednesday

    haha yeah yeah.. I dont think I have anything "factory in the car except for the radio haha"
  18. Amy


    I have the tailpipes off of my SLP Loudmouth system for sale. I had to take them off due to my slicks being quite large. :-) Asking like 50.00 obo
  19. I have a really nice set of 275/60/15s with a nice amount of tread left on them for sale. I would like 125.00 for them OBO. Shoot me a pm or email amysbad98gt@yahoo.com
  20. Amy

    Track Wednesday

    Anthony has snapped belts.... ! Oh yeah I win again! lol
  21. Amy

    Track Wednesday

    Yeah I went out last night (new slicks mounted) Got the car off the line really nicely! Wheels went up pretty good.. but then POOF snappage again on the belt :-( only took about 4 ribs off but still went poof- was a used belt from Wednesday that we had put on.. but I will be picking up the new belt here this weekend after NHRA. I remember him though.. :-)
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