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Everything posted by Amy

  1. Waiting till its born is another idea. But most pregnant women want the potential father to be part of the pregnancy. Guys who just say that they don't either believe that it is there child or don't care in general are just plain dirtballs... (not saying you are youa tall) but I would start with the blood work. Go have her take new blood work and have them pinpoint the conception date for you guys and then work it out from there. If there are still questions talk it out, dont just leave her to make all the decisions. This is a hard time for you and for her. Hope all works out. If you need doctor information I would be glad to help out as I used to work for the hospital for a few years. Best of luck!
  2. STI! I have a Benz and I would say go with a M3 or a M5 BMW they are sporty, girly and badass little cars!
  3. Ive heard there is a test they can do but it is around the 10 grand mark or something. Now she can have blood work done and they can pinpoint the date of conception. That is something I would start with.
  4. I miss my rotts! They are the best dogs!
  5. Sean probably has the cleanest fox I've ever seen that goes as fast as it does! Rob; I was out at Alec's shop the other day and I think I wanted to marry that car.. he going to run Renegade or just use it as a Wild Street car? That thing is sick!
  6. Thanks Jesse!! That looks awesome I'm def up for that one!!
  7. That place looks awesome! Im definatly going to take the bike out in that!! How do you get their? Jesse, your a human crash test dummy! :-P
  8. 70s??? Poor poor Mike :-P You know you like the clogs don't lie! :-)
  9. There is a amazing bike path at Hoover dam. It runs along the lake and goes quite a distance if you have the energy for it. Amazing and beautiful environment to be in on a nice day.
  10. Jesse you know the Audi can keep up don't lie :-P
  11. Dammit... my clutch just came in today! F***
  12. If you call a semi company (usually any local companies) they can refer some good places. When I had my first engine being done in Houston, TX. I was going to have the car trailered form OH to TX.. and I just called some of the semi places around here and they referred me to several good companies.
  13. I don't get it.. they are ugly as hell. Comfy, who knows.. but ugly!
  14. Amy

    Your Hornyscope...

    The Leo one is pretty on I think lol. The Cancer guy description is way off... shy haha lol
  15. The old sears lot.. is great! We used to meet there last year. All the mustang people. Lots of room and no problems... always good!
  16. Amy

    Master ASE

  17. OMG.. Seriously thats great... Now that would be even better if it was someone you didnt like getting yanked down the highway ..but poor kid in the wheelchair ..ouch!
  18. Sam quit picking on the 4 cyl's! :-P
  19. GC wouldnt be that bad of a place to meet.. but I doubt a lot of people on here will come down to grovetucky.
  20. Amy

    NMCA This weekend!

    Anyone going up today since the track is cleared up?
  21. Amy


    Crazy people!
  22. http://www.catalogna-performance.com Tony does amazing work and has done a ton of SC installs. I am sponsored by this shop so I trust them with a lot~!
  23. O'd be up to play.. I suck though and am still learning, but its a fun game!
  24. Amy

    04 mustang upgrades

    I have some SLP exhaust you can buy!! Makes car go vroom.. (or well.. makes you feel like your going vroom vroom lol)
  25. Amy

    tonight 6/1/07

    Sorry guys I had left too early I guess before I could reply to everyone. Btw.. No more pick on Amy .. holy ehll tard! Btw V8Beast I think my ears are still recovering! Me heart your car!!!!!
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