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Everything posted by Amy

  1. Amy

    Gameworks 5/31

    If I get all my crap done today maybe I might stop out.. would be nice to chill out tonight. What time is everyone meeting up.. I won't be out till later if I do go out.
  2. Amy

    Cookout today!

    Peeing on hay FTW!!!! hahah that was great "Just don't play on that side of the hay kids LOL"
  3. Amy

    Saturday night

    Yeah and Yeah the 98 doesnt even come out if there is a chance of rain. We got stuck in the rain hardcore last night ....just driving the 03 home sucked enough!!
  4. Amy

    Saturday night

    Me, AJ, Ryan and the rest of the gang went to Arlington.. too much to drink for Amy so AJ drove us up to QS&L with Natasha and all the others. Where were you Anthony?
  5. Amy

    Cookout today!

    Well I get calls every other 2 mintues that the time has changed. I will be there with AJ at 4p. So anytime after that!
  6. Amy

    Cookout today!

    Yes AJ (white ws6) and I will be there along with Anthony, Jess, Lani around 4p.. so head on up whenever!
  7. Amy

    friday may 25th

    Im going to Hooters tonight for sure!
  8. Amy

    Cookout today!

    Oh umm yeah.. thats yucky!
  9. It's so sad to see things like this happen. Going through a thing like this is hard, I know. My condolences go out to the family!
  10. Ryan (UNDER PSI) just called me and said we are going to do a cookout on Monday also! Place: Alum Creek Time: Noon - whenever! Things to do: Water sports, volleyball, frisbee (?) and whatever else you guys want to get into! Directions: Pm or mapquest is your friend! :-) Who all is up for this..
  11. Nice one Eddie! I was going to talk to ya last night but the phone wouldn't quit ringing! Let me know how the tune goes! Car is looking like its hauling ass!!
  12. Amy

    Cookout today!

    Im going to try and bring a couple of the girls out... We can bring some volleyball stuff, or whatever.. play some sports, swim etc.
  13. Amy

    Cookout today!

    Why's that?
  14. Amy

    Cookout today!

    Hey I know this is a little late notice but a few friends and I are going to head out to Alum Creek today for some fun in the sun and a small cookout. If anyone is wanting to go.. it is a open invitation. We are heading there around 1p. Weather looks to be good and should be a blast! Hope to see everyone there. If you need directions shoot me a pm! Anyone interested?
  15. Glad you are ok! Give me a call tonight! Im here if you need anything.
  16. Amy

    friday may 25th

    Hey next weekend I bring out the 98!! I cant stand driving the slow car! Holy hell. Lani.. good runs girl you finally beat something I owned :-) It's a good running Z28! Plus you can drive your car so thats always nice! I have to say it was pretty cool seeing the chicks out there racing all night! +1 For Team Titties!! hahaha Btw Brian (V8Beast the cobra has pulley and exhaust) trapped almost 120mph at Trails one night I think. Not sure) He is a excellent driver though so another reason it gets out of it's own way. But overall greats runs in tonight. First time in a long time actually doing the roll race thing. Lots of fun and Anthony please refrain from breaking the sound barrier on Polaris Pwky next time! :-)
  17. Amy

    Trails tonight..

    Heading out to trails now.. gonna race the monster! Anyone feel like going were pitting by the staging lanes up towards the front of the lanes! Say hi!
  18. Amy


    HAHA Thats great!
  19. Amy


    All you need to know about 4.6's: .... read the manual that says dont buy one.... (all you need to know)
  20. +1 Last week right before I left.. some guy in a F150 (White) decided to be cool and back up into the parking space as fast as he could .. We were all like.. umm yeah thats cool.. NOT. What is wrong with people?
  21. Amy

    friday may 25th

    Nice! Well we are meeting at the Park n' Ride in GC. Corner of Stringtown road and Old Stringtown (across from Drug Mart) Pleanty of parking.. you can call any of us if you need directions!
  22. Amy

    friday may 25th

    Dude I just got done surfing at Cocoa Beach not too long ago. I think Daytona (74 mi north of Cocoa) has a big Rip current warning today.. oh yeah and 6 people have been killed by alligators this year.. Ill pass today!
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