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Everything posted by Amy

  1. Amy

    tonight 6/1/07

    FUCK OFF! Stalker! (I just drank the extra glass of hateraid!!!)
  2. Amy

    tonight 6/1/07

    No Neons allowed lol :-P (only cause my 98 had a bad experience with the infamous blk and slvr one lol :-P ) Yeah Ill shoot you a pm
  3. Oh ok.. thanks. I forgot I went last year. Some badass wrecks happened. Fun times.
  4. Amy

    tonight 6/1/07

    Hey means, no rice, no stupid people, and a spot were some want to just relax and be around cars.. without the drama
  5. I'll trade you garages
  6. Amy

    tonight 6/1/07

    koolrayz clean out your pm box
  7. Amy

    tonight 6/1/07

    Ok if you want to come out PM and I will let you know where were going. Rules though: 1: Cant be a idiot 2: Must be respectful of the area we are going to be at
  8. Amy

    tonight 6/1/07

    Randy.. I'll call you once I find out where were going.. .I
  9. Amy

    tonight 6/1/07

    Btw invites for private spots should be done through PM. It's getting old dealing with the stupid shit.
  10. Amy

    tonight 6/1/07

    Hey what better way to get to know people then come out.
  11. What is ALMS?.. Just curious. I've been learning a lot about different kinds of racing.. I wil not be attending this but curious as to what it is.
  12. Amy

    tonight 6/1/07

    I'm up for rotating sports for sure! QS&L is starting to be a huge haul for lots'o people
  13. Amy

    tonight 6/1/07

    I will be out tonight with the noise trap. As long as it's not raining.
  14. That would be freaking badass! Then going surfing out there.. since it's one of the most wild places to surf besdies Hawaii!!
  15. Amy

    Plate Ideas

    Slow :-) Even though it just waxed me in the 03 the other night hahah :-P but still!!!
  16. Amy

    NMCA This weekend!

    A few guys are heading up to Marion toight to go race if anyone wants to head up and get some runs in.. if you don't die at the top end of the track cause it's such a quality place to race lol
  17. Amy

    NMCA This weekend!

    dammit! Yeah I had heard from a kid at Jeg's that they were having it.. but I was surprised.. thanks for the head's up Steve!! :-)
  18. Amy


    Noobs don't welcome noobs! Welcome btw!
  19. Amy

    NMCA This weekend!

    NMCA is out at Trails this weekend.. I was just curious besides me, who else is going to be out racing and doing the car thing at the track? Should be amazing weather for the event! http://www.NMCAracing.com if you need any information. Also tonight Test - N - Tune is still going on from 5-11p for $10.00
  20. Amy

    Gameworks 5/31

    Yeah just had some stuff come up...sorry :-)
  21. Who in the world let's someone who isn't a experienced driver just hop in a 800+rwhp car and take off in it. He deserves for his car to get trashed cause he was stupid enough to let the dumbass drive it. What a waste of a badass car. :-(
  22. Amy

    Gameworks 5/31

    Nevermind .. change of plans.
  23. Amy


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