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Everything posted by Amy

  1. There is a company I found (I will have to find the number) They do cars ranging from 20s too 07. I think it is Grundy.. and there is another one also.
  2. Looks great woman! Don't be such a stranger on here!!
  3. I will have to see if I am going to be here.. but if I am I would LOVE to show up!! Just let me know when and where if you dont mind. I would have a blast to even see an event like this! Thank you very much!
  4. Wow Kevin those are amazing photographs! Good work!
  5. Derek.. Mach looked and ran well! Congrats!
  6. Yeah I think I would love to try it sometime.. or hell even just watch a drifting event! But I would for sure piddle in the pants if I rode in one of those cars haha
  7. HAHA I think Im still shaking! haha
  8. Oh I'm in for a second ride. For sure!! You are a damn good driver Ben! I have to steal a ride in one of the Suby's next time.. they are freaks through those turns!
  9. I dont know the first thing about Auto X.. All I know is, that I had my eyes closed on every pass out. LOL. I didnt hear anyone complaining about it.. everyone seemed to be please.
  10. I didnt run the stang.. no thanks I dont think I have enought guts to do that course.. plus I think I would run over everything haha. The FD's are sexy! I loved the STI's though.. beautiful cars and some of the most best handling cars I think.
  11. Wow I have to say this was be far the most amazing experience I have had so far with racing in general. First ride: Brad's Audi.. I thought it was RWD.. just cause of how much we slid through the turns.. didnt know it was AWD.. so that was awesome! Second ride: Matt's RX-7. Joe took me for a lap in the seven and that car is by far amazing! Once boost kicks it on that thing it just sets you back in the seat.. but what was so nerve racking was the boost + turns lol. One of the turns we spun out OMG!!.. wow that was scary! Third run: Ray and Bens' S 2000: Only thing to say holy shit traction!!! Ben and Ray both are amazing drivers!!! Fourth ride: WS6 (I forget the guys name.. but I think Muscle cars are more of a drag car but still was badass sliding the ass end out all over. Thanks to everyone for the new experiences in racing. I give huge props to all the drivers and cars today! Amy
  12. Amy


    hah hey now hey now.. rx7's aren't too much better :-P j/k
  13. Amy


    I say Mojoe's car vs. a 03 gt tonight.. Up for it? :-P (All in good fun) You going to be out with the yellow beast J?
  14. Happy Birthday Old One! :-0)
  15. Nice pics (minus my fatass in those haha) I think Im still deaf from some of those cars haha
  16. No its just a 4 door.. heavy heavy car. :-) Plus I wasnt the run racing it Rigsby was.. I wa son his R1 while he was beating the shit out of my Benz haha :-) Good good times though lol
  17. Amy


    Yeah Ill be gone for the 2 weeks.. but if you guys plan something for next weekend that would be cool. I say lets get something together for next Sunday and then in 2 weeks so more people can come out.
  18. Amy

    friday night 5/11

    Yeah myself, Aj (White WS6) & Tony (AMG) were all at QS&L for dinner then headed out to Jegs for a bit and no one was out there.. so we headed back and then went home. Wasnt really up for staying out all night. Norwalk left its mark buddy.. Im burnt bad! Plus I didnt have much of a voice at the track and now its relaly gone haha.. But it was well worth it.. Both were fun.. Anthony that Formula is a beast! Just plain Nasty! Tilly.. was nice to see you again.. car looks great and sounds great btw!!!
  19. Amy

    friday night 5/11

    Ok Hooters 9p then if we decide we can go to QS&L . So Hooters 9p
  20. Today was awesome! There was a good turn out with a lot of great people. Glad I got to help out with the events and Rigby thanks for letting me taking down the R1!! Also taking a ride in the badass Trans Am seeing ground.. then sky! Awesome. Glad everyone had a blast.. !! Now post up your times. The Benz went 16.0 @ 89 mph hahah so sad for my little V6 lol
  21. Amy

    friday night 5/11

    BACK ON TOPIC! lol So QS&L 10P? Tony Ill see you at 930p and we will head up there. Plus there will be a few people coming with us. (WS6 and Lightning)
  22. Amy


    Well we need guys on here that look like that first haha :-)
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