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Everything posted by Amy

  1. Joe, I talked with a guy at Advance that I know here in GC and they said they will trade them out. Shoot me a pm...
  2. Amy

    may 18 Friday

    I love you Deejay! :-)
  3. Can we send in donations if we missed the event? I just saw this. But know how battling with cancer is a horrible thing to have to do. Let me know where I may send a donation. Thank you!
  4. this is just a regular car.
  5. The car runs fine until I turn on the heater or AC.. If the cars RPM's are up it runs but if I let it go into idle it just dies, everytime. ?????????????
  6. Amy

    sunday night

    Dammit if it was a little later I might have been able to make it but have plans around that time.
  7. Oh ok.. sounds good to me!
  8. I would rather jump off a cliff then fly in a plane.. so Im not looking forward to it.. LOTS OF SLEEP medicine and a few drinks and I think I might make it.. WINE WINE WINE AND MORE ALCOHOL! lol
  9. +1 She has a very exotic look about her.. It would be between her and Jessica Alba.
  10. So I guess Jegs at 10? Then cruising up to QS&L?
  11. Amy

    may 18 Friday

    Thank ya.. I just brought the slow one out last night. The 98 is still under the knife getting a new clutch in. You owe me a ride one of these days in the machine! :-)
  12. Amy

    may 18 Friday

    Yeah I left cause the whole parking lot thing just kinda sucks. Plus I had to be up early. V8 Beast: Car looked good and sounded good!!! (as usual lol) The ole 98 should be done here soon maybe you should swing by the shop sometime next week and we can get a run in one night! :-) Hope all is well! Deejay: Hey pop tart.. why dont you call me next time your out! geez!!
  13. Amy

    may 18 Friday

    We are meeting at 830p at Hooters on main st then crusiing on over to brice road if anyone wants to meet there. then heading to Chipolte around 10 ish then maybe to QS&L
  14. Amy

    may 18 Friday

    Mojoe is gone for the weekend as of today. So looks like the office space is out of the question. We could do the parking lot by Chipolte on Sawmill, there is a big area up there and its still really cloe to the freeway.
  15. Amy


    Congrats John! Should be a lot of fun on the track and on the street! 40 roll.. well say goodbye to that ! I am only putting down 733 right now and I cant get traction for the life of me.. even on the track. But again, congrats and cant wait to see that thing move!! :-)
  16. Amy

    Tonight 17 May

    Yeah Allie and I will have the mootang up there tonight.. should be a really nice night out. This weather is awesome today!
  17. Amy

    Tonight 17 May

    Oh shit.. sorry Ben, I thought I wasn't going to have anything really to do and got slammed last minute! You going out tonight? I will be out later later if you are?
  18. Amy

    Tonight 17 May

    Anyone doing anything tonight? I know the usual is going on at Arlington. I have about 5 more million errands to run, then later on I might swing by there aound 8 or 830p for a few. Open invitation to anyone interested. Any car shows going on?
  19. SO TRUE! You know how much I hate flying Meg! So I have lots of tylenol pm and dramamine in the purse ready to knock me out just to be able to fly. I HATE AIRPLANES!
  20. That happened to me going to FL this past time.. was a dollar under what they had it advertised as. Badass!
  21. Probably tomarrow night and Saturday night. Have fun with the bottle throwing retards lol
  22. Can I race the Benz in the chrysler shit race? Since it is a fucktard product?
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