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Everything posted by Amy

  1. Amy

    WTB: Gixxer 600

    how much...color year...blah blah blah
  2. Amy

    Riding Busa yaay

    dude that is just soooo wrong...
  3. Amy

    Steeda Tri Ax

    I have a Steeda Tri Ax shifter just bought with the new tranny...TKO... I dont like it as much as my old B and M so I am selling it 130obo...
  4. Amy

    Nitto 555's

    i have 2 Nitto 555's 245/45/zr17's for sale 75% thread left...make offer
  5. Ok took a 04 hayabusa out today...AWESOME! I really liked it. they are awesome bikes and handle great. The bike felt like it wasnt even moving and I was doing like 60-70...yaay. Ok just had to say I rode a spiffy bike..made my day!
  6. well I get around 8mpg so poo on all you guys..lol But back on topic..whether its some young punk driving a 400hp car or a red or silver or whatever color VW... (not trying to make a point or anything) but one young punk driving cars like that on 270 cutting in and out of cars almost running 2 mustangs off the road..yeah punks who cant drive can wreck anything... high HP or not... So I hope they keep having the muscle car wars...lol
  7. how the hell even drunk do you f'ing hit 19 cars...wow...he should be shot!
  8. Amy

    WTB: Gixxer 600

    BLAH...lol (eleven thousand dollars) lol poo heads!
  9. i guess it aint too bad...but just a lot of money plus the cost of race gas for the people who have to use that, food, water whatever... and only one lane.... that kinda sucks...but still you get time to take a break and go again...good practice i guess...i might go...if Im not in IL for NMRA.
  10. Amy

    WTB: Gixxer 600

    i meant 11 thousand bucks assface!
  11. Amy

    WTB: Gixxer 600

    yeah give me 11K grand and me go get one...LOL
  12. Amy

    last saturday

    i bet ya i could o a wheelie before i feel off...lol
  13. thats insane...i think that thing is one of the ugliest bikes i have ever seen.
  14. Amy

    last saturday

    tell the truth we know it was you johnathan....lol
  15. Amy

    WTB: Gixxer 600

    didnt get one yet the TL wasnt a good deal. now im depressed. I really wanted it too... I got to ride a busa the other day and that bike was awesome.. was easy to turn wasy to ride and everything i dont know what everyone makes a big deal over I really liked it. was really comfy too.
  16. Amy

    WTB: Gixxer 600

    the TL1000R i looked at was crap.. needed a little too much for 5200 bucks..so that was crappy
  17. Amy

    WTB: Gixxer 600

    i cant go over 4500 bucks
  18. Amy

    WTB: Gixxer 600

    i found a F4i (2001) today in the dispatch for sale... it was 6K bucks though...i was like ouch.
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