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Everything posted by Amy

  1. Amy

    WTB: Gixxer 600

    well I found a 2000 TL1000R with 4500 miles on it, and its blue and white (pretty colors) and they want 5295.00 for it so I am gonna see if I can get them to come down just a little and maybe get it...I think I would be really happy with it, plus I think they are awesome looking bikes.
  2. Amy

    WTB: Gixxer 600

    well i cant get ahold of the guy who has the r6 johnathan... it was busy all day then now no answer...this sucks i can buy it right now too....dammit!
  3. Amy

    WTB: Gixxer 600

    do you guys know of any gsxr600's for under 5K bucks? that HAVENT been dropped or ruined...lol thank ya much. ICE COLD: Do you still have yours for sale?
  4. was that what happened up at the thrift store?
  5. good choice of bikes hope you have a lot of fun... be careful....
  6. graemlins/bubbrubb.gif Amys TL1000R> Smokinhawk tongue.gif
  7. well whatever ....LOL Mine will be more pimp though! lol
  8. thought you would get a laugh on that..lol I found a TL1000R at arena motorsports, i know i know too much bike...blah blah blah, but it looks BADASS... all black polished frame and wheel and tinted visor. its a 99 and only want 5700 bucks...its so cool..LOL tongue.gifgraemlins/popcorn.gif
  9. i think i might go i am bored..maybe if i dont go to kil kare...
  10. yeah well i can do it...lol just kidding.
  11. my grammys honda hatchback lasted till 121K when she sold it.. but it was driven by her (older lady) and wasnt really rusted... But the ones I have seen other than that have had a lot of problems and some havent...who knows.. i just wouldnt buy one ...lol
  12. you were speeding thats your own damn fault..get over it... pay the ticket...like the rest of us have..lol
  13. i might be up for soemthing... after i get back from getting the sub frames put on...
  14. dont be jelous...lol
  15. sounds good to me!
  16. im ready when he is...
  17. Wanna race then Dan?
  18. I'll be out with the fast car...LOL
  19. Amy


    aweseom deal thanks for the info! I wasnt sure... lol i shall be there in the beast! lol Getting trailored up there.
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