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Everything posted by Amy

  1. Amy


    This Friday is the Modular Shootout in Norwalk. I am going is there anyone else who is interested n going. I think it is a shootout for all modular cars either running 11.99 or 10.99 or faster, all the Big Bore cars. I am leaving at 6am. Yaay
  2. Amy

    Bike Night tonight

    no I just miss my bike and got a chance to take a few stangs out and see some awesome looking bikes... was fun. Plus good food..lol
  3. Amy

    Bike Night tonight

    see ya there...
  4. Amy

    Bike Night tonight

    Wow.... can we say "Needs Attention" LOL I'm going with the mustang people... lol see who will race...lol j/k
  5. Amy

    Bike is gone

    OMG.. way to much info! LOL so special!
  6. Whos all going... shouldnt be raining! smile.gif
  7. Amy

    Bike is gone

    oh so special well guess i'll have to get it and see if i can change that...lol
  8. why u need a visor looser u have a helmet with 2 of them now...lol
  9. well no going fo me... looks like the plaque of storms is gonna hit....lol no going anywhere except around gc....lol
  10. hey i might go ... nothing else to do
  11. Amy

    bike day

    i would but i am bike-less ...lol
  12. Amy

    Bike is gone

    i am really missing the bike lately cause o fall the probelms I have been through with the mustang, polus I miss the gas mileage. Anyone feeling the need to donate to Amys "want a bike fund..lol" I would like to get a little gixxer 600 that would be nice, plus doesnt cost a arm and leg.
  13. Amy

    Crash at MCIR

    thats too bad to hear... thats horrible I hope everything is ok with him. Its always a tradgedy to hear about someone getting hurt
  14. Amy

    ride today??

    oh i now see who is taking my spot of asking about riding now...lol just kidding hoblick..lol
  15. spiffy poo! me want bike back...:-(
  16. spiffy poo hoblick! be careful!
  17. Amy

    Wed Bike Night

    bike section retard! j/k hoblick....lol
  18. go to extreme cycles or ASK in GC... they are both really nice. Good looking bike there Hoblick.
  19. Amy

    Lasota +1

    Rob if you get this can u pm me....
  20. hey now.... oh dan who saw tail lights last night and who was driving....lol j/k BRAT!!
  21. Amy

    Bike is gone

    hey maybe one day... never know... Ya'll could watch me fly right over the mountain...LOL
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