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Everything posted by mjeosu27

  1. Come on fuckers! I know someone has a couple!
  2. How much for the 8.8 with the 3.27? What is it out of? Thanks again!
  3. I am looking for something to replace my open differential 7.5 rear. 9 is a little too much, but I can trade to a friend for his 8.8. I am looking for an 8.8 with a 3.55-4.10 gear for a mustang. I can just use the housing, don't really need the axles, but if you have 31 spline I'll take the whole setup. Let me know if you can come up with anything! Thanks again, Mike
  4. Ok great, let me know about the 8.8. Otherwise, I tenatively have dibs on the complete 9. Oh, how many miles on the 9 inch? Would the posi need rebuilt? Thanks!
  5. The complete 9 inch, what gears are in it? Do you have any 8.8 inch Ford rearend parts? Thanks Rolla, hope things get better for ya mang smile.gif
  6. PS2 True Crime: Streets of LA. DVD's: Italian Job Ice Age Special Edition Hannibal: Double Disk Special Edition The catch: These are all blockbuster items that have been charged to my credit card, which I has expired and I have since canceled- and can't return them anyways. Plus, I'm lazy- you're benefit. Game = $20 DVD's = $10 each. or $25 for all:) Thank, hosers! Mike
  7. Damn Ima have to go check that out... sorry to hear that the car is done. I woulda like to give him a run!
  8. 13.40 sounds a little more believable. Still, what you described is usually what happens to dumbass high school kids with a semi-fast car. Blah.
  9. I figured it was blue. I met the kid once and he has no clue about the car. It's a 94 with like 170K miles on it. I asked him if it was BPU, and his reply was "not really." It had full exhaust and a boost controller if I remember correctly... and his "best run at the track" was 12.40 @ 114.
  10. What color was the Supra? I take it you go to Scioto?
  11. I'm in need of two Memorial Tournament badges for Saturday's round. Anybody have anything? I have a client coming in town I want to take. Let me know as soon as possible!!! Thanks in advance, Mike
  12. Like from the movie Liar Liar: "Boss, this guy knocked over another ATM, this time at knifepoint. He want's your advice." "STOP BREAKING THE LAW ASSHOLE!!!!" The thieves will eventually get what's coming to them. Sorry about all y'alls sheit.
  13. Hey man, to some people that is a dream come true. If it is not counting up miles, leave it be! Fix it once it comes time to sell, if ever.
  14. mjeosu27


    LOL way to dig up a post from 2 weeks ago graemlins/slap.gif The chatroom, is used when you have aol's instant messenger running already. Click the link at the top of the page to go to the chatroom.... of course there is never anyone in there!
  15. I have about 5 bundles of 15-20 shingles each. they are light grey/charcoal/black. One strip (of the actual shingle part) measures about 6 inches by 3 feet. Let me know how many you need.
  16. mjeosu27

    Newbie here

    Welcome to the board. graemlins/thumb.gif Good use of parentheses. :woot:
  17. Hey guys and gals, if you could, keep my friend in your thoughts and prayers for a while. He need's all the help he can get. His name is Martin, about 3 months ago he was wrestling around with a friend and just got really short of breath. Since then, doing anything strenuous left him gasping for air. After inhalers, seeing some specialists, and other doctors, a lump was found on his neck/chest. They decided to open him up today to take a look at it. It turns out they have no idea what it is. The unfortunate thing is that it can't just be removed by sugery, as this "stuff" is literally covering his entire insides... his arteries, tissues, organs, etc. We are hoping for the best, and that maybe it can be taken care of with radiation, chemo, or steroids. It doesn't really matter to me if you are religious or not, but if you guys/gals could just think good thoughts I believe that it really can make a difference. When a person who is in need knows that other people are thinking good thoughts it makes it that much easier for them to stay positive as well. Thanks, he means a lot to me. Mike graemlins/thumb.gif
  18. mjeosu27


    Now that's funny!
  19. Not mine, but foxstang on here has one with a 345 horse crate motor and a 9 lb powerdyne. Don't think he posts though.
  20. 4.5 is also 114.3 mm, for you non domestic types. Sweet wheels, I'm broke. Bump.
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