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Everything posted by vitamincj

  1. Could be good. click for vid
  2. vitamincj

    Drunk Girl

    I can appreciate that after spending most of the day in the bathroom as a result of the flu. CJ
  3. Well the first one is NWS...so here is the 5th one instead. http://www.vinod.com/cj.jpg CJ
  4. Sorry if its a repost. Everyone survives. Mayday! Mayday!
  5. Wow, I haven't seen anything that ugly in a while. Please don't do that to your car. CJ
  6. Is that car still IRS? Broke a half-shaft maybe? CJ
  7. The new line of boyd coddington motorcycles! CJ
  8. All those people are showing their agreement that OSU is better then OU? I guess I can say one thing about the OU haters. They sure are organized. CJ
  9. Hmmm...I guess they moved the story. I am getting a story about Crank Callers. CJ
  10. I feel your pain. I was just getting the 'Quest running correctly again when I lost a turbo seal. Only smokes bad on boost but, let's face it, that's when the magic happens. Its about time for all the toys to be put away for winter anyway. Save on those insurance premiums. Sorry to hear about your turbo though. CJ
  11. Durn, looks like my wife has been driving again. CJ
  12. I stopped to check the car out as well. Very nice indeed. The 88's and 89's had the best drivetrain and electronics but the 87's aren't bad. Poor head design is a major obstacle in making the cars go fast. Even as old as the cars are there is a new aftermarket starting up for it. A 4G63 swap would be nice. One of my buddies has a site up about the swap. http://www.beatingyou.com/zerog/ CJ
  13. Thanks for the review. It sucks that the album blows though. I second the need for more TOOL stuff and less APC stuff. I have had Opiate in my stereo for the past couple of days...mmmmmm...Opiate. CJ
  14. vitamincj


    Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm... M3 is nice. CJ
  15. Yup, worked for me too. Very cool commercial. CJ
  16. I think its really called the Pumpkin Festival. CJ
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