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Everything posted by smokinHawk1647545499

  1. Hey does anyone know what time the Iron pony closes of fridays. I was thinking about stopping by after norwalk next week to pick up some bike stuff. if i can find the place. [ 26. April 2004, 02:04 PM: Message edited by: smokinHawk ]
  2. ya its strang now seeing other bikes out on the road when my friends and i are riding.
  3. again i must say Three types of men in life those who want bikes those who have bikes those who ride bikes so riding bike> owning bike.
  4. saw it, just to see it, i woudnt watch it on a regular basis. but it was different then the norm. somewhat entertaining and yet boring at the same time.
  5. you definatly need better then her, the only thing you did wrong was not smack hear silly for cheating on you., a girl like that dont deserve a second chance It took me a while to learn that, but they dont change, they cheap on doing it to you now just become yourself and live freely, not being whipped by any woman anymore. you could do what i did and distract your pain with senseless fast toys, oh and motorcycles always helps. smile.gif keep your head up.
  6. we shal see we shall see. (:in a evil voice) i also predict that i will be the fastest non-trailored vehicle.
  7. 12's? i only get 12's if i launch bad AND miss a shift, if i do one of those screw ups i still get an 11. i am da master rider, why would i want somebody else to. now what time do you think im going to run? R6 > turbobrick
  8. i wouldnt need to spray it wont be sprayed but it might be strapped.
  9. i downloaded some of them. i cant wait till i see it in person!
  10. how about a little debbie treat. but more importantly i got a cheeseburger that My R6 > your Turbobuick
  11. i got the metzler M1 on the rear, its now finally getting warm enough out side that i can push the bike down and try out the tyres to see if they hold like ever one says. got an inch of chicken strips to get rid of this summer.
  12. his first pass at norwalk will be a 14.2@9X then the best of the day will be something like a 13.8@10X unless something breaks first.
  13. me and some friends are riding up to broadripple in indiapolis tonight. guess during the summer there is suppose to be alot of bikes there, hopefully wiht the weather nice it will be.
  14. i guess everbodys chicken least two other bikes are signed up.
  15. congrats on your upcoming marriage she is a hottie. smile.gif
  16. i call bs till we see pictures. those things are going to perform well, sweet
  17. Im riding my bike up there again (since its about impossible to get my car done in 2 weeks) any one want to get owned? gonna shoot again for my allusive ten, this time im going to be packing more heat. need to get some bike going, a few spots are left, so hurry and sign up.
  18. cool, but full throttle can kill you smile.gif
  19. +1 lot of people are doing it, seems to do great. you can easily have dependable high horsepower in the 450rwhp with just heads and cam over 500 with a superchager or turbo. and lots of torque!
  20. wow i dint think it was that bad to warent this? lot of us are shocked. about ever city racing board will go through trials if this one shuts down another one will start. Personally id rather see this board stay up, i like the mods/admins and member base then the other boards. wouldnt that suck if we would all have to go over to columbusstreetracing.com. a few months ago the dayton board went threw some dividing, every one had a problem with the site owner so a new board had to be formed, the new board has problems now and then, but it always will. We jusst ned to learn how to survive and keep it running as there is definatly a need for all the car enthusist in the area to gather. +1 for getting this resolved quickly as possible.
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