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Everything posted by Brandon

  1. qwfjnqiwfiwfubweipfbwqefibfirehfbNOOOOiufbqiwefuqweoufbwefiqbwefqiweufb
  2. i guess i am one of those cheating guys, i mean i just get bored
  3. if you were olny on the northeren side of town...
  4. graemlins/gives.gifgraemlins/supergay2.gif
  5. 30 bucks shit i didnt pay that
  6. dude jon, thats a little low, i mean picking on fat chics is cool, but you dont have to tear dwon everyones life.
  7. siris is much better imo as well
  8. its never that bad... people are crazy some times, and it still is sad
  9. its not HD digital cable, and the first 100 cable chanels are analog anyway
  10. after he retired , he was still writing jokes, which david lettermen used on his shhow often
  11. I need some suspension parts, and brakes, then ill try it out
  12. you have to get a HD box through your cable company, so havin the HD tuner built in your t.v. would be a pointless feature, unless you want to get off air high def.
  13. they lost but they still had a good season
  14. ill pass, i would rather open lap
  15. you really do spend to much time on the internet
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