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Everything posted by Brandon

  1. no we are talkin about women....
  2. thanks for htat ryna, your car does not go ver 1--
  3. Brandon


    we dont give a fuck about you, you a pussy. End. Of. Stroy, now get the hwell out of here fuckbag
  4. deal, but not till say sunday, once im not soar from the workout week ( make note i suck at arm wresting to no end, but the people i beat suck harder )
  5. This is an ugly bitch, she has enough fupa to act as a raft in case of any hydro emergency. And someone asked me that " when you look at her, does it make you puke inside your mouth" i replied " no i just let that shit fly all of her, improves her look a little bit"
  6. Brandon


    Can we get rid of some of these stickys, they are everywhere, and they are annoying as piss
  7. True story I beat Marc, Zak, Knisley, and Fuzz. But Id rather have a bench pressing contest, you name the weight sugar
  8. alright gramps ( i am one of those assholes )
  9. where does 60 beers a weekend fit into your training schedule [/QB] Im not perfect, really far from it, i could be much bigger if i got very dedicated
  10. last line sums it all up, physical peak
  11. Chris makes point, i woud say about 75 percent, so every 1 out of four isnt a ricer.
  12. true, but the olny differnce is compression and oil sprayers. Its just easier to not go through the hassle of a swap, and all the other crap.
  13. depends, i might try and come out, gots to chekc with my dublin possy
  14. Nice car. You said you go to OHS? Senior I assume? There are a few of us that graduated from there on this board. Welcome. -Marc
  15. Nice car. You said you go to OHS? Senior I assume? There are a few of us that graduated from there on this board. Welcome. -Marc
  16. How does heredity not matter??? You either have the muscle fibers or you dont.... I talk to excersize philogists( sp ) as my reference. Yes it isnt 1979, and protein shakes are absorbed better, but natural food still absorb better, and you get better A.A. Its in mine and mr ohios opion that protein shakes are a waste. Now your completly right about pro hormones, increased testosterone equals more power, and that is cheating. And in the long run its whether you were born with the right fibers or not.
  17. edit: i weigh as of today 167 and bench 300, never taken anymore then vitamins. ( little on the lean side due to trainging for triathealons )
  18. Its called heredity, and he was born to be the strong And i know more guys that natuarlly bench 400 then supplementing ones. true story.
  19. dont leave it alone, i have the same car, i know more people make more horse power on turboed na sr20s then bluebirds.
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