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Everything posted by Brandon

  1. Brandon

    b dubs

    adam likes watchin the drunk kids get drunker...true story
  2. did you goto college geoff, what kind of iq scores did you get, act, sat???? Oh and fuck michigan. And last four years tressal is 3 and 1 right???
  3. *highjack* Mike are you going to the game, or tailgating, im looking to get a little rosey cheeked.
  4. Dosent matter what motor is in my car. Its got a turbo on it, that about it. I am just stateing that Geoff gets all giddy over your front mount like its king shit cause its on a 3s. But in realitly there are much bigger, not knocking yours, i like it, and its well sized.
  5. cha ching. I think they are stupid looking, and typically the flakely ones tend to purchase them.
  6. mine is bigger so whats that make it uber beastly?? When ever you want to run my 240 ill give you some tail lights . And yes my car is boosted. Also your knowledge of turbos is lacking, i suggesst maximum boost. And the houseing in which your "compressor wheel" does matter. Not trying to be a dick at all, i am not out to start anything. Geoff i think all the dsms that replied in this thread ( minus mabye critter ) sound like they are greater then said 3s. Get off your elitest horse, we know you like them hoooray, and we know dsm's have issues, but i think its more or less a mitsu issue then just dsms. I wishiwascool's car is the shit, and he is a level headed guy. Thumbs up to him.
  7. Drifting is interesting, but its a judged event, so im not sure about the whole thing, I mean its like figure skating for cars
  8. Good to see a well built Honda. It is sad they are so few and far inbetween.
  9. should i help geoff or not...hmm
  10. I think geiger is out to prove a point. And what Kirk said is true OSU has no offense, but to say it in the manner he did was shamefull to a university that he attended.
  11. Nice, any internal modifications to the engine??
  12. Brandon


    I am relating the content in this thread that is relative to me. I dont like profootball, and i like the bucks. tongue.gif
  13. Ha, your talking to some guys that been to the dsm shootout for the last 5 years running and witnessed first hand some of the fastest 3si cars in the country. Not only are they heavy but they are expensive to make really fast. So maybe it should be changed to say it takes a lot of bank to make those tugs fast. Big turbos are the size of your fists......LMAO dude go read a book. Your car does look nice, im not knocking that, i am knocking the fact you think those turbos are big....Infact those are some of the smallest factory turbos i have seen.
  14. Brandon

    O-S Who?

    they suck as well
  15. Brandon


    marc your gay, fucking delete my post... I am allowed to say i dont like the steelers the browns the who ever if i want, and i was just making a relative comment that i like college football. GO BUCKS. As for pro football yay for whoever wins whatever
  16. my project has been down for a about a month. Lack of funds mainly caused the delay. Also my daily like to have wheels fall of, and just any suspension component will generally break once a week.
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