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Everything posted by Brandon

  1. I could finish the car as it is right now Marc. I can not however weld piping for the IC. And Marc refresh me with some of the work you have done to the cark, YOU HAVE DONE tongue.gif . And i think the way it sits the charger > cark
  2. clark wins again for the 2310897498174983247918749 time
  3. His runs better then yours does right now tongue.gif And anytime Drew, anything you need we can do it.
  4. Awesome, you will have to take me on a cruise with you some time Mr.Stock, aleast when i get a car that can keep those tail lights in sight
  5. damn spider gears, they alaways go. You going to upgrade your axles why your at it, or wait till they break as well?
  6. Lets act like fucking cavemen....jesus
  7. WHO THE FUCK CARES, its apparent its a typo. And i dont mind flat black at all, looks alright.
  8. Good thing it olny takes an hour to spool, that turbo is too large for those setups, Dyno figures olny... But Apex-I is saposed to have some new great huge turbo out, cant remember the name, but it is saposed to spool considerable quicker then those. I'll have to do some research.
  9. Gay, that Ad was cool, and yes they had in in many movie preveiws Mike.
  10. Brandon


    This man is not one to talk...
  11. Brandon


    That page makes me tear up
  12. Its not too bad, If your looking to pay some one a little bit, and also learn some, PM Me.
  13. At least im not the olny one who goes to get my hair cut there. The women there are amazing, and the girl the cuts my hair ( friend of the family ) has huge tits that rub all over my head, and she does that shit on purpose, I know it. tongue.gif
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