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Everything posted by Brandon

  1. Brandon


    adam no comeback....
  2. Brandon

    b dubs

    thanks doc tongue.gif
  3. Brandon

    b dubs

    If you see me out next time ill show you my vains and take from it what you will. Arron makes me laugh out loud
  4. some people need to take sianide (sp) pills
  5. Nope saw a maroon one last saterday at easton It was alright
  6. Brandon

    b dubs

    Its coming along, slowly but surely, school and work dictate a lot of my time. ( And funding kinda it a hard spot for a little while, now its replenshed ) Oh its about that time to get the needles out and drop my pants, thanks for the reminder.
  7. Brandon


    BUWHAHAHA twice in one day Brian > Adam
  8. Brandon


    I think i asked if it could be changed, and X person said yes.
  9. Brandon

    ambiguously gay duo

    A straight man with gay jeans in his blood.
  10. So you have no personal reasons..... I think we are on the right track, i am one of those morally who agree with president Bush. I also agree that there is a need to unify around the globe, but it will NEVER happen completely. As for relations with Europe the Middle East and Asia, well i think Asian relations are better, execpt North Korea. As for Europe, well once they can get along with them selves then i might care. ANd the Middle east, was a screwed up bunch of mislead poor people. I think people shuold be proud to be an American, because we are the elite, i see no proublem in that at all. But to bitch about well such an such dosent like our country, who gives a shit, it is high school we have our own agendas and they have theirs' end of story.
  11. Brandon


    Turns out he got his own smiley..... graemlins/supergay2.gifgraemlins/supergay2.gifgraemlins/supergay2.gifgraemlins/supergay2.gif Chris and Anothony > Marc ( side note this is the flame room, so if Marc gets flamed away in this thread, i wuoldnt complain tongue.gif )
  12. I have one, Supraglue has one. It is a great exhuast, not very loud but noticeable. A more throaty tone.
  13. Anthony if i can get my car finished by that date im in, is it a pay the day of deal??
  14. Brandon


    vote for issue 1 as well And i went to vote, no line i went around 10:30, i was in an out in 20 minutes smile.gif
  15. I would puncture her Vagina
  16. I would have hit him, and worried about consiquences later
  17. iqufiwfiqwunfwefnqwfun enough said
  18. Brandon


    what the hell is happening there
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