Ya Marc you don’t run anything, and with attitude you are becoming an elitists. You do help keep things smooth; Anthony and Chris run the board, and I understand you do have a say since you’re a mod, but an arrogant attitude like that solves nothing.
And the GET THE FUCK OUT comment, that is bull shit, and you know it, don’t act like someone just dissed your kid, and now you have got to be the big bad parent and stick up for them. Ben is a solid member, nice guy in person, and if this is a message board then everyone is entitled to his or her opinion with in the limits of the rules Anthony laid down. So people are allowed to whine all they want, they are allowed to disagree.
And to Terrans site, it was clearly a joke, look at the damn site. And if you have any problems with him take it up on AIM, like myself, and solve things the real way, not this keyboard warrior, I am a mother fucking mod I run this shit, get out if you don’t like it, yada yada.
I think you need to heed in your own words and chill out brotha.