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Everything posted by TimTaylor751647545500

  1. People drive to FL from time to time.
  2. Stopped in today after lunch to pick up a few lures. Still a decent number of cars in the parking lot. 2 out of the 3 checkout lines that were open had 1 or 2 customers. I was in and out in under 10 minutes.
  3. Watched with sound turned off and was really creeped out. That's fairly scary to watch.
  4. Younger blonde guy (maybe early 30s). No valet was on duty to ask if it was ok. Dude just pulled up and parked between the cones with the ass sticking out into the lane.
  5. Parking in the valet lane and walking 20' into the restaurant to eat didn't make you look as cool as you think it did. The entire patio, including the wait staff were commenting on how uncool it was actually. Just fyi.
  6. I just wanna know who Mauro is and what we're thanking him for.
  7. Hoping to make it out at least once this coming weekend.
  8. Wonder how long before he wrecks this one and blames the paparazzi?
  9. Flying Air Tran to Orlando in June to visit the parents. Non-stop flights were priced pretty well (for the times we wanted).
  10. I'm going to show these to my Grandfather this weekend and get his take. Nice find!
  11. Thanks Jeff...that would be much closer for me.
  12. I just need material for legs/framing. Probably going to build it 24" D x 36 - 48" W x 36-40" H
  13. I know Lowe's sells sections of 1x1, but I need a bit larger size for what I'm building. Whatever I find, I'll post up the figures.
  14. Probably gonna go with a 1/8" workbench surface, so I would think 1 - 1.5" would be substantial enough for support.
  15. In need of building a metal fab table for welding projects. I've heard Columbus Pipe & Equipment is a good place to purchase square/rectangle stock, but wanted to see if anyone else had any other suggestions. Thanks.
  16. This is a really stable kayak and would be great for a beginner or someone looking to get into the sport.
  17. Confirmed, he's in custody. Now what comes next?
  18. Instructing not to light up the boat.
  19. Here's the yard/boat location. http://maps.google.com/maps?q=67+Franklin+Street,+Watertown,+MA&hl=en&ll=42.366496,-71.173984&spn=0.000632,0.000553&sll=42.37093,-71.182832&sspn=0.113887,0.141449&oq=67+frankWatertown,+MA&hnear=67+Franklin+St,+Watertown,+Middlesex,+Massachusetts+02472&t=h&z=21
  20. Sounds like they've got him cornered in a boat. Not sure if the boat is on land or not as the scanner feed dropped for a bit.
  21. The scanner is telling quite a story right now too. Broadcast Live
  22. This seems to be a pretty good feed that I've been listening to/watching - http://boston.cbslocal.com/live-video/
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