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Everything posted by Browning

  1. Holy shit its sponsored by Anti-Abortion
  2. Im not gonna be able to make it up there for a bit. So I was just curious, last time I was there it was hanging on the wall. If anybody has been there lately, did you see any 91-94 Exploders with a good front end?
  3. Anybody have one? Or next time they go, can ya get one and post it? Might make a good sticky
  4. Browning


    Ill find out over on my forum. Ill let you know.
  5. 60 bucks? Damn. Im about to go to a place around here in a couple hours, I think they only charge 20-25 bucks. Its way out here in Perry County, but damn......60 bucks
  6. Anybody here ever had this, and sucessfully removed it? I got rid of the toolbar, and the folder. But, when I reboot I get the newdot.dll missing file error. I really dont feel comfortable playing with the registry keys.
  7. Browning


  8. I just went through and emptied my gmail. Back when she had that Acura for sale on here she emailed me pics. This is the email she used. kwhitmore2616@wowway.com I hope it helps
  9. Browning


    cool, thanks man
  10. Browning


    I had the toolbar installed for about a week before it started.
  11. Browning


    How can you tell if somebody has hacked onto your comp. and installed a keylogging program? For the last couple weeks, no matter what website I am on, email, and name fields are highlighted yellow. I havent changed anything on this computer, thats why I am wondering if it is poss. that I have been hacked?
  12. yea, the shed is very old. She said it cracked, and popped for about an hour. She had to wait there for like 3 hours because there was only one Sheriff on duty for the whole County.
  13. can you pm me your # please? May know somebody that will want the washer.
  14. I think its funny as hell, her dad calls her crash now LOL. She was all stressed out about it and everything, but shes cool now.
  15. No joke. that is the shed she hit. Like I said, she got lucky that the car isnt damaged more than it is. Here is the piece from the bench that I had to beat out of the bumper cover. http://img193.exs.cx/img193/6640/bench5km.jpg
  16. Here is the shed: http://img150.exs.cx/img150/5796/shed8eb.jpg
  17. did you ever go hunt her down?
  18. Browning


    sorry for bumping an old topic. But this ferret is now fre if anybody wants to go pick it up.
  19. If anybody lives in this area, or around Sinsidee court, pm me please.
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