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Everything posted by Browning

  1. Browning

    Are they serious?

    Yea, the no rust thing in West Virginia is bs. Well that, or its just not inforced, at all. The emissions test however, is true. Just got to know somebody who does the test and no worries:) I lived down there for 2 years, right around where some areas still look like they're straight outta coal miners daughter:( lol
  2. That the only pic you got?
  3. I think I know where an older model hatchback colt is thats already stripped, if its still there...
  4. You're all wrong. http://www.modernrandomness.com/images/jesus/jesusracecar.gif
  5. Pics of the truck please? admin@ohiocichlids.com
  6. Much better. Some color would suit it greatly. You should also add the tabs to the nav bar again. Whats it look like if you flop it around, mirror it?
  7. +1. But the main looks good nonetheless
  8. Just a few 2 pounders or so. Nothing worth taking home.
  9. Well, I just drove it for the first time today. Fucker barely runs. I am now thinking they may have put something in my tank:( Fucking car sounds exactly like my mower now.
  10. Yea, I know. I am def. gonna have to get one soon.
  11. Went and done some fishing last night at Rushcreek Lake out here by the house. Stopped by gas station first, got some fuel which put my car at the 3/4 mark. Fished for about 2hours, came back to my car only to find my gas door open, with the cap on my trunk. Some fuckers decided they would help themselves to my gas. Had a 1/4 tank left in the car. Never heard anybody, or anything so that sucks. Anybody had anything like this happen yet?
  12. Hell yea thats pretty cool. Im sure it'll spark some memories they each were trying to forget, but cool nonetheless:)
  13. Browning

    Fox vs. Cat

    LMAO I didnt catch that, oh well.
  14. Browning

    Fox vs. Cat

    Ive always wanted one to get mounted.
  15. Browning

    Fox vs. Cat

    Ill start by saying I did not get pics:( sorry. Driving on an old gravel, country road tonight on the way to the liqour store, I notice a red fox and we stopped to take a look. What we didnt see was a cat about 5 feet away. Anyhow, sitting there watching the fox watch us, and out of nowhere a little black cat jumped out at it. They rolled around for about 10 seconds then split up and stared at each other. The cat once again jumped at the fox and took off sprinting through the field. The fox caught up fast and rolled it then ran up a hay bail. Coolest shit ever, imagine the odds of witnessing this. I have only seen like 4 fox's total, and all were red fox's. We had thought about shooting it, but didnt. Had to take off because a car come up behind us. Once again sorry no pics, just thought I would share.
  16. This sounds like its right up your alley:) http://columbus.craigslist.org/car/157980767.html
  17. Whats even more sad, is that you posted this shit.
  18. I only know Cali prices lol
  19. Browning

    3 word story

    Hopefully disease free
  20. Thats how my buddy got popped, well he's been busted 4 times, got off of 2 of them.
  21. Like a couple rear tractor rims, or similar?
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