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Everything posted by Browning

  1. Fucking shitty. even shittier they "allowed" somebody to pull the motor, etc from it. But that just doesn't make sense to me that they would let somebody do so and just leave the car behind without making them pay the fees. I'd put together a lawsuit if they can't give you some more info on it.
  2. I should took shop class in high school, and all that jazz, but didn't. I built my first motor at 14, and the fucker is still running lol. Would it be wise to start at a place changing oil, etc and try to go from there?
  3. For you mechanics on the board, how did you get into it? Did you go to school for it, or work your way up from the bottom?
  4. Just paid $34. Going to put it in sometime within the next few days
  5. dont really feel like buying a new one as I wont have the car much longer(I hope anyway.) Junkyard has one for $10 but they say its from a 90 cavalier and that the book shows it wont work. Can anybody confirm this? and is there a way to make it work lol.
  6. I'd scoop this right the fuck up. I've always been a fan of these. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/1951-FORD-PICKUP-PROJECT-RAT-ROD-CUSTOM-RATROD-NR_W0QQitemZ140055042268QQihZ004QQcategoryZ6783QQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem
  7. Koi* BTW, it looks pretty good.
  8. i hate people who dilike people who make posts about posts made about people who say they're going to do something then don't...yeah that shit sucks
  9. http://www.hostmypiconline.com/images/whistlewaiting2.gif
  10. I'm already tired of hearing about the shit. It's funny how people only make a big deal out of racism when it's aimed towards blacks. Every race gets hated on, and I dont see it getting any better anytime soon. The man apologized, and it was easy to see that it truely is/was bothering him. Now I know an apology doesnt make it better, but at least he made an effort. The media, and everybody else is making too big of a deal out of this.
  11. I thought I was banned http://www.hostmypiconline.com/images/e5cyippee.gif Thanks again Anthony
  12. No, it's not due to the wind. The pilot wont even light at all now. Ive just been lighting the burner to get it heated up lol. I'm installing a new one in the morning
  13. First, the washer decides to take a shit, not that big of a deal, except being short on cash. Today I wake up and go to get a shower, no hot water, wtf? So I go down and have to relight the pilot on the water heater. Thought it was strange becuase that was the second time in a week that it has went out. Wait for it to heat up, get a shower. after I get out I went down to check on it, and yup, it's out again. I relit the fucker 5 times today. I do believe it has a leak. shit like this pisses me off.
  14. http://www.hostmypiconline.com/images/roflpuke2.gif
  15. Manual knob I think I'm going to rule it out as the timer. And the timer makes a wierd noise when it's time to drain. Local repair shop I called said the same thing. I think I may just look for a new unit, as the timer along is $100
  16. Fucking owned by his own stupidity
  17. Damn thing will not drain the tub. I have checked the hoses for clogs, etc and it's clean. Pulled the case apart, and removed the drain hose from the outlet side of the pump, and the fucker starts draining. Anybody know anything about washers, and how I might go about testing the pump? Maybe fill the damn thing with the drain hose off and see if it'll drain all over the basement floor?
  18. I need the 4cyl because its small. I'll need all the engine compartment space I can get. Also, I've seen many Iron dukes last into the 200k+ mile range, and never have any major problems. It's GM's version of the 22r:) IMO
  19. I'm not too big on fords. Plus the rangers are too small. I plan on building another lowrider with this one if I get it. And later, maybe, just maybe, a body drop.
  20. Thanks:bowdown: I can go faster, but I tend to fumble my words midway through. Still havent finished that track yet, I need to get on it.
  21. Myspace has gotten me laid numerous times, fucking whores:) WTF thread?
  22. Browning

    I'm an idiot

    At least you know what to check next time:rofl:
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