Something you learn as a manager is the trend of "friends". If you hire a kid that goes to church every Sunday, gets a 4.0 in HS, doesnt drink, doesnt smoke, and only wants to work about 20hrs a week, 999 times out of a 1000, they are going to be damn good at the job if you teach them properly. 95% of the time, you can hire thier friends w/o even interviewing them, just because most kids hang out with other kids of the same type. Very few times do you get a good worker that hangs out amoungst slackers. So if your hanging out with a kid that will snag something that doesnt belong to him, the odds are stacked against you. I always hung out with the good kids... somewhere along the way, i became a damn good thief. I used it to my advantage and took a position as a Loss Prevention Specialist, and turned my skill into a positive credit towards my character. Needless to say, if i wanted to rob someone blind for serious coin and they never know it for at least 24hrs, i could, but i dont, because its more valuable to keep my resume` filled with the Loss Prevention expierence than a petty theft charge.