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T Rex

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Everything posted by T Rex

  1. oh man... just hope CPD doesn't get that video :-x
  2. How many people are Native Americans on this board? The ones that are not need to shut the hell up. Have any of you ever tried to get a visa? Have any of you ever tried to help someone get a visa? Probably not, you have NO idea how hard it is to obtain a green card to legally work and live in the United States of America. Not only do you have to have someone sponsor you, aka co-signer, so if they fuck up its your ass too, but you have to pay immense fee's. You are talking about people that make roughly 7 USD a week trying to come to America, home of the free, give us your hungery give us your poor, and ask them to pay some outrageous price for a card that says you have to go back in a few months/years. You all have no idea the things these people go through to work at places like Arby's, Donatos, McDonalds, and Wendy's, for 7 maybe 8 dollars an hour. I don't know about any of you, but I have been a manager at 2 of the restaraunts listed and I would rather hire an illegal for 7 or 8 bucks an hour instead of some whiney little bitch high schooler who really doesn't need a job or its their parents wonderful idea to send them my way so they can get paid to sit on their ass and to a shitty job. I challenge you all to look into obtaining a visa or green card to gain access to the United States. Some take their liberties for granted and I am ashamed to call myself an American along side you. Do you really want to work some of these jobs that these people are doing? I certainly don't, however, I do to an extent. If they made a sweep of the all the buisness that have illegals working for them, you would be suprised at how hard up you would be for a sandwich. We are so scared of people coming into the USA, why do we let all of our GOOD jobs go to other countries? How come no one is concerned with that? How come there isn't IMPORTANT legislation that will help out good old fashioned American buisness? Someone has pulled a curtain over your eyes. Wake up and smell the mother fucking coffee.
  3. There was a police officer clocking people on 71 southbound, from up on the Broad St. Bridge with 3 cops sitting on the on ramp waiting to take people out. 9 times out of 10 there is a cop sitting on the Broad St. Ramp anyway. Stay at 55 through Columbus!!
  4. Are you sure thats not the car that is produced by the company here in the US? They make "Eleanor's," and they are certified Selby Cobra's. There ya go... It looks almost exactly like those except for that damn exhaust on the back. http://www.uniqueperformance.com/base.aspx I took this from another forum... Im still looking for the right html addy. "ELEANOR" SHELBY GT500 MOVIE REPLICA MUSTANG JOINS 40TH ANNIVERSARY COBRA TOUR Replica of Famous Movie Car Becomes Part of National Shelby Celebration Officials with the 40th Anniversary Shelby Cobra Tour will give the public an opportunity to experience a Shelby GT500 Mustang replica similar to the one made famous in the recent movie Gone in 60 Seconds by adding the factory-authorized "Eleanor" replica to the traveling show. The Anniversary Tour celebrates the birth of the legendary Shelby Cobra, which won sports car and racing championships worldwide, by giving individuals the opportunity to personally experience fierce Shelby performance cars. "Americans have long had a passion for exciting movies and fast cars," said tour producer Steve Sanderson. "We've been able to secure authorization for this GT500 replica car by Shelby American and the studio vehicle supplier. The car's performance is simply amazing and turns heads wherever we go. It's exciting to add this stunning 'Eleanor' Shelby GT500 replica to our tour." Sanderson Sales & Marketing is an authorized dealer for the authentic Shelby vehicles and the limited edition "Eleanor" GT500 Mustang. The Anniversary Tour includes a 427 Cobra, factory 289 racing Cobra, rolling Cobra chassis, Shelby Series 1 and the movie replica GT500 Mustang. Enthusiasts can sign a 40th birthday card for the Cobra that will be presented to Mr. Shelby at the end of the tour. Over 30 stops are planned during the 2002 celebration of the first Cobra. "The 'Eleanor' Mustang captured the hearts worldwide in the thrilling blockbuster Gone in 60 Seconds," noted Douglas Hasty, a longtime classic car collector who oversees construction of the vehicles. "I was so taken with the car that it became my dream to make it available to everyone by securing a conversion kit from the company that built the movie car. Steve Sanderson's ability to market the car and involve Shelby in the project proved to be a powerful way to let the public know they can own one of these magnificent, and Shelby approved, cars." "Eleanor" Joins Cobra Tour (2/2) Carroll Shelby is one of America's greatest racing heroes. After a successful international racing career, he founded a car company in 1962 that trounced every other sports car in the world, beginning with his legendary Cobra. Forty years later, anyone can own one of these remarkable cars because Shelby American is offering new Cobras through Sanderson Sales and Marketing. Built in Texas, the limited edition Eleanor replica is available with a wide range of performance drive train, brake, chassis and cosmetic options. The cars comes with a Shelby tuned Ford V8, roll bar, stereo system, 17" wheels, side exhaust, sequential taillights, and performance brakes. Each one of the cars is meticulously built and comes with a certificate of authenticity from the "Eleanor" originator. "The smooth body lines, performance handling and great sounding exhaust of the Shelby tuned V8 make this one of the most recognizable cars in recent history," added Sanderson. "Now anyone can become part of the legend with their very own authentic Shelby vehicle. What could be more thrilling than driving one of these famous limited edition cars?" Cobras are available in big block 427 S/C or 289 small block body styles. Cars can be custom ordered to meet almost any performance or appearance specification, as well as full race configuration. Depending upon the options, a Cobra can reach 60 mph in less than 4 seconds. The Series 1 embodies the Shelby legacy in aluminum and carbon fiber. Powered by a Shelby American tuned 4 Liter V8, it accelerates to 60 mph in just over 4 seconds. With race-bred suspension and perfect weight balance, the Series 1 delivers razor sharp handling. The Series 1 can be fitted with a number of performance upgrades and accessories including a supercharger. "Shelby cars can stir the soul of any driver," stated Sanderson. "Now there are even more exciting opportunities to own a Shelby authorized performance car." About Sanderson Sales and Marketing Sanderson Sales and Marketing, which markets luxury products worldwide, produces the 40th Anniversary Cobra Tour. The company secured the rights to market the Shelby Cobra and Shelby Series 1, manufactured by the legendary Carroll Shelby, in 2001.
  5. http://home.columbus.rr.com/tonyrex/lmao.JPG Thats Berto (Rx7d00d) err Berto's ass and Clay, I can't remember his name on here though. We where installing a new 'y' pipe on Clay's Maxim4r. Oh shit... does anybody have any pics of the mac'n'cheese thread? bwahahahaha I forgot about that..
  6. My boss is pregnant right now. Which has been absolutly insane. The last month I haven't been able to stand correctly let alone do my job.
  7. T Rex


    My wife just totalled her car in Penns. last night
  8. I lost about 3/4 my posts when the new board layout went through. It looks like all I ever did was troll. To think I had over 1000.
  9. Those are good prices but still a little much for me right now. Once I get some more cash I'll give you a call. Thanks!
  10. Thanks anyway, anybody else have some?
  11. Sounds awesome. Get me a price, please! Does he live here in C-Bus?
  12. Id like them to last maybe 2 summers at least. Thanks for reading!
  13. you can go to a paint store and buy this wheel. Its just like an eraser. Hook it up to a drill and it takes it right off. Doesn't hurt the paint either.
  14. Its not my car but its a 96 Avenger. I was wondering if anybody knew where I could get some new ones pressed in. Thanks!
  15. T Rex

    The Gipper

    Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired signifies, in the final sense, a theft from those who hunger and are not fed, those who are cold and are not clothed. -- Dwight D. Eisenhower Republicans want smaller government for the same reason crooks want fewer cops: it's easier to get away with murder. -- James Carville I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed. -- Martin Luther King, Jr. A liberal is a man who is right most of the time, but he's right too soon. Author: Gregory Nunn A man who has both feet planted firmly in the air can be safely called a liberal as opposed to the conservative, who has both feet firmly planted in his mouth. Author: Jacques Barzun "Restless is discontent and discontent is the first necessity of progress." -- Thomas A. Edison "The only freedom which deserves the name, is that of pursuing our own good in our own way, so long as we do not attempt to deprive others of theirs, or impede their efforts to obtain it." -- John Stuart Mill "Those who seek power over all else are neither liberal nor conservative. They are simply morally and politically corrupt." -- Gus diZerega "Be not intimidated... nor suffer yourselves to be wheedled out of your liberties by any pretense of politeness, delicacy, or decency. These, as they are often used, are but three different names for hypocrisy, chicanery and cowardice." -- John Adams
  16. Sam, I think it has to do with your stunning good looks . I <3 Sam.
  17. http://home.columbus.rr.com/tonyrex/teamsbr.JPG I won't be offended if its not in there.
  18. I need someone to help me bleed the brakes on my car. I'll give you the speaker box I have in my garage. Includes two 15" speakers of unknown make. This box is HUGE but its all yours. If you want some beer we can arrange something, if you are of age. You might have to wait for me to install the new lines and rotors, which shouldn't take anymore than two hours tops. PM if you're interested. Edit: I live on the Southeast side behind the Eastland mall. Its a drive for most of you im afraid.
  19. ohh shit... I didn't want this picture to get out (My 3rd cousin is x-MTV-VJ Simon Rex, I think thats him ) **********NWS************** http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.rexsworld.com/GALLERY/reXex/impress/contrib/tony_rex.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.rexsworld.com/GALLERY/reXex/impress/contrib/tony_rex .htm&h=325&w=580&sz=58&tbnid=Uf6S7k924GsJ:&tbnh=73&tbnw=130&start=2&prev=/images%3Fq%3DTony%2BRex%26hl%3Den%26lr%3D%26sa%3DG Thats my first and last name :x http://www.public.iastate.edu/~bfitting/files/JBH-Blue_Book.jpg Thats my screen name.
  20. Wheres Geoff when you need him? He'll be the first to tell you that a 3s is not a DSM . FMIC looks good! I would definatly try to fix that piping though. Im sure you enjoy it though! (Thats what matters!)
  21. Pep Boys has one advertised for 99.99. OBD-II Code Reader by SPX OTC. Performs diagnostics on OBD II compliant vehicles 1996 and newer. Includes carrying case and instruction manual.
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