I disagree. Certain "Minorities" (ie: Women and African Americanes) fought for YEARS to earn the right just to vote. Me being a white male in those times just had that right. I don't think its fair to just not vote.
I think its more important to educate americans about the canidates then spouting off about how they are dumb and shouldn't vote.
I realize Andy Rooney is a very influencial(sp) person and he does have some good points. But instead of ranting, which is the easy way out, why not take sometime to go over some points on both canidates? We are so eger to point out flaws that we forget that we, as americans, can actually work to fix a problem.
The more I think about it the more it upsets me, people in America are have turned into a bunch of idoits. Raised by a TV, raised on commericals that tell them ED can be fixed by a pill and not to worry about a loose stool or heart failure. Fuck that.
Eduation is the key, no matter how you get it. It is your right and DUTY as an american citizen to learn about the canidates, get off your ass, stop watching that Victoria Secret commerical in hopes of actually getting an erection, and go vote.
Edit: Not to turn this into a political thread but to add some information. Did you guys realize that there might be up to 4 Supreme Court Justices retiring this term? Vote wisely.