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T Rex

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Everything posted by T Rex

  1. Red IPod Mini = Electronic Panty dropper
  2. We've got another "egg-beater" on our hands, wheres Berto when you need him...
  3. Germain sucks too.... at least Germain Ford on the corner of Billingsly and Sawmill.
  4. I doubt you would be interested in a '02 Protege5 5 speed w/ 96k miles?
  5. T Rex


    I thought that Eva Braun was who he cheated on his wife with... sorry Im dumb... I did find out something interesting with his marraige though.... http://www.truthorfiction.com/rumors/b/beethovenabort.htm
  6. http://www.command-sex.com/mons/action45/sb.htm Fake or Real?
  7. a few issues I thought about while reading this thread: 1. Affirmitave Action no longer exists (Some schools and employers "choose" to balance out their ratios because it looks better to the public eye.) 2. There are more than just Scholarships for race there are scholarships for Gender, Red Hair (yup its true), Transfering to another College, Religous beliefs, Political Beliefs... I could go on and on, point is, it shouldn't matter. 3. The more people talk about "abolishing" racism the more racism there will be. When did you learn that the kid that had a really dark tan or who you though was just really pale in your Elementary School was a diffrent race? And when did you learn that associating with "those" people was diffrent for someone of your ethnic background. Point: People like Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, The KKK (Obvisouly), The Black Panthers (Obvisouly), and anyone else that brings issues like racism to the table in a negative way do a tremendous amount of harm than good. On a Somewhat contradicting note: In certain circiumstances someone from any race needs to speak out when any type or inequality should show its ugly head. Thank a few people for the right to speak out...
  8. I bet that was done on a Tablet PC... Not saying it was easy doing it that way, however, it would be much easier than doing that on a regular desktop or laptop.
  9. Anthony, How do you find out about this stuff?
  10. Subject: OSU vs Mich OHIO STATE AND MICHIGAN It was reported that the Michigan Football Coach Lloyd Carr will only be dressing 20 players for the Ohio State game this Saturday...the rest of the players will have to dress themselves! ~ Did you hear that the University of Michigan library burned to the ground? All five books in the library were completely destroyed.... the football team is really upset by the fire; they hadn't colored in two of the books yet! ~~~~ What's the only sign of intelligent life in Ann Arbor? Columbus: 187 Miles ~~~~ What does the average University of Michigan student get on his SAT? Drool ~~~~ How do you get a Michigan Graduate off your front porch? Pay him for the pizza ~~~~ Four college Alumni were climbing a mountain one day: A OSU grad, a Michigan grad, a Penn State grad, and a Notre Dame grad. Each proclaimed to be the most loyal fan of their alma mater. As they climbed higher, they argued as to which of them was the most loyal of all. They continued to argue all the way to the top when the Notre Dame grad hurled himself off the mountainside shouting, "This is for the fighting Irish!" Not wanting to be out done, the Penn State grad threw himself off the mountain proclaiming, "This is for the Nittany Lions!" Seeing this, the OSU grad walked over and shouted, "This is for the Buckeyes!" and pushed the Michigan grad off the mountain. ~~~~ What did the Michigan grad say to the OSU grad? "Welcome to McDonalds. May I take your order please?" ~~~~ A young man hired by a supermarket reported for his first day of work. The manager greeted him with a warm handshake and smile, gave him a broom and said, "Your first job will be to sweep the store." "But, I'm a Michigan graduate," the young man replied indignantly, "I even played football there!" "Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't know that," said the manager. "Here, give me the broom, I better show you how." ~~~~ Two Michigan football players were hootin' and hollerin' while partying on campus when a bartender asked them why they were celebrating. The smart onesaid proudly that they had just finished a jigsaw puzzle and it only took them two months. "Two months?!" exclaimed the bartender. The Wolverine proudly replied, "Yeah, the box said 4-6 years!" ~~~~ A Wolverine football player was almost killed today in a tragic horseback riding accident. He fell from the horse and was nearly trampled to death. Luckily, the manager of the Wal-Mart came out an unplugged the horse just in time. ~~~~ A little boy and his mother were walking through a Michigan cemetery when they came upon a headstone that read: "Here lies a Michigan graduate and a good man." The little boy asked his mother, "Mommy, why did they bury two people in there?" ~~~~ Coaches Jim Tressel and Lloyd Carr are walking down the beach talking about the new rivalry starting with Jim taking over as the OSU head coach. As they are walking, Lloyd trips over something in the sand. Upon closer inspection it turns out to be a genie's lamp. "Who disturbs me?" asked the genie. Jim and Lloyd both say they did it. "You will each get one wish," said the genie. Lloyd offers to go first. "I want an impenetrable wall built around the entire state of Michigan so that none of those stupid Ohioans can ever get in. I want it as far down into the ground as it is high, and I want it to be completely sealed in so that we can finally have our peace!" The genie grants the wish to Lloyd and his is instantly whisked away to his new paradise. The genie now tells Jim he'll grant him one wish. Jim says, "Fill it up with water." ~~~~ Why is ice no longer available at Michigan football games? Because the senior who knew the recipe finally graduated. ~~~ What are the three longest years of a Michigan football player's life? His freshman year. Go Bucks!! Some of these people have already heard Im sure. I just thought it was funny my Grandma sent me these.
  11. apparently its a hoax... http://www.serboard.com/forums/viewtopic.php?t=7328&start=0
  12. Im not an OG either, however, I remember most of the old cars around. I still have my 02 Protege and I am now a Junior and will be at Kent State starting in Summer to finish up my Architecture Degree.
  13. By the way, this is NOT an entire US thing. This is for the State Of Ohio, no more, no less.
  14. T Rex

    Hey Sam...

    lmao, Ive had it on the comp since that day . haha
  15. January 1st, 2007 Then the annual raise is based off the CPI in September and fixed again Jan 1st of the next year. etc etc.
  16. You guys are talking about hard work etc. Im salary I got a 15% raise last year at a fast food place. I still don't see the problem. *Most* "Big Companies" already have raised their prices in accordance with this bill passing. Arby's already made a .10 cent price increase almost across the board. I mean Arby's is expensive, dont get me wrong, but 10 cents more for chicken? 10 cents more for gas? OOOHHH NNOOOEESSS!>!112=
  17. I manage the Arby's in Obetz, I refuse to hire anyone under 6.25 an hour. A 55 cent jump in wages isn't going to hurt THAT bad. If anyone makes 5.15 I feel for them and I can't believe ANY employer would take advantage of someone like that. Edit: And its 6.85 an hour not 6.95
  18. T Rex

    Hey Sam...

  19. Why doesn't the government use tools that are already in place to get illegals out? Start auditing I-9 forms of companies. Im sure if the government "requested" you call in a social secuirty #, 90% of buisness would comply. No work = No money = No more illegals.
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