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T Rex

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Everything posted by T Rex

  1. I need a carrer change. Fast food mangement sucks ass. I don't know what I should look into. As far as computers go, I am A+ certified and know my way around a PC. I thought about working at a car dealership but I don't think Im the type. I'd like to get a job that has flexible working hours (since Im still in school) but I still would like 40 hours a week, benefits, and decent pay (10+ dollars an hour, although Im salary at the moment). I have 4 years mangement experince. Any thoughts?
  2. T Rex


    Im glad the cops picked you up before you killed someone.
  3. *If* they do total it. Buy it back and part it out. Now, If I am correct, but something tells me that Im not, you can hassle with their insurance company telling them that the car will never be the same and you are taking a loss on something that is NOT your fault (ie: a car that will never drive correctly again). You can get them to total it. Again, this is just something I've heard whether it is true or not is another story. But, it is my opinion that if your car was in perfect working order and not wrecked before you should fight it.
  4. What about the magic fairy dust?! I need a book on that stuff...
  5. Rumor has it there is magic fairy dust in these things to make them not conduct any heat... Magic Fairy Dust > *
  6. Id hate to see that coolant line crack
  7. T Rex

    what country are you?

    http://bluepyramid.org/ia/togo.gif You're Togo! <font size="3">Small, quiet, and very insecure, you could hide in just about any crowd. Even a crowd of one or two people. Even though you're virtually anonymous anywhere you go, you could have been wealthy if people hadn't mistreated you and taken your money. This is probably most of why you're insecure. But some people who study you hard think you're cute, so maybe you should try to open up a little.</font> Take the Country Quiz at the Blue Pyramid</font></font></p>
  8. Hoop-D, do we have anyway of sending cards or anything? I think we should offer up something. He has played a vital role in shaping what CR is, if there is anything, besides keeping him in our thoughts, we can do, I think we should.
  9. Only if they have one with a Donkey on it instead of some stupid Buick .
  10. I have a bad tendancy to talk about movies to much. I didn't want to ruin things for anybody. I guess you just have to have a stupid sense of humor (or maybe just be plain dumb), like I do (am) to really appreciate this movie. Between his Uncle filming himself tossing the football, the snow boots in summer, and his cage wrestling brother, it was one of the most humerous movies I've seen in a long time.
  11. Damn what a funny ass movie. If it had a REALLY good plot I would give it a 5 stars... so this one only gets 4 out of 5. Awesome movie none-the-less.
  12. Wasn't there a Neon that was running some crazy quarter mile time on the board?
  13. T Rex

    Laws? Anyone know?

    you would need to talk to the proper township you where planning on holding this in. They would be able to tell you better than anyone else would.
  14. I will fart in your general direction!
  15. T Rex


    Farmers already have legal rights and benefits for their crops not in that sense... Anyway, Bush's deal with marriage was to protect the "sancity(sp)." Thats the biggest bunch of BULLSHIT I've ever heard. I think around the sametime that Bush said this Britney Spears was getting her previous marriage nullified after being married how many days? So wait... we are protecting the sanctity(sp), making boundries, but I can go get married to some girl I got drunk with, slept with, ran off to Vegas to get married with and have it mean absolutly nothing within 24 hours? Sanctity(sp) MY ASS. Lets not even start on divorce rates in the US, sounds like we already have a circus... and we haven't even gotten to the hippies yet! What happened between the seperation of Church and State? Somebody also said something about Bio/WoMD where's the proof? Show me the Money! I wanna see that beautiful nipple of a nuclear weapon so much I need new underwear... the whole of the US AND the rest of the world want to see them that bad. 'Cause if there isn't, which it doesn't seem like there is any trace of them AT ALL, we are in some pretty big shit. Bush hid things from the nation AND the world about his invasion of Iraq, did he want to overthrow the government? yes... did he? yes... He hid the fact that he really didn't have a clue if there where weapons over there or the fact that he REALLY just wanted Saddam out of power, yes it is a good thing but why not just tell us? And you thought John Kerry ran circles... DAMN. I don't like Kerry either though...
  16. T Rex

    damn haters

  17. T Rex

    damn haters

    That should be the whole point of this section... hopefully.
  18. I guess my problem with the whole 600cc bike thing is the fact that half the guys that own one, want a liter bike. Its just a shame they can't ride a 600cc bike like it should be ridden(sp). (Its just a shame I can't spell) Edit: But Mark sure does where loafers!
  19. T Rex

    damn haters

    What the fuck happened to originality?
  20. VERY cheap please smile.gif .
  21. T Rex

    got polish?

    This man knows smile.gif
  22. T Rex

    V8 rx7?

    Its an FC... but I've been out of the loop to long to know if its running...
  23. Yeah you... get off my nuts.
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