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T Rex

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Everything posted by T Rex

  1. +100015123124125421 Tank does excellent work.
  2. Like the topic says. Id like to get 100 bucks out of it. Brand new, I unfortunatly don't have the box anymore. PM or email me @ arex2@columbus.rr.com Edit: It is an in-tank fuel pump [ 17. May 2004, 03:17 PM: Message edited by: Black Sabbath ]
  3. Just looking for some cheap 17" tires in that size. It doesn't make much sense but I have a set of 4 Sumitomo HTRZ II's with good tred left I would trade as well.
  4. You gotta let the poonani marinate.
  5. T Rex

    Bike or Car

    Didn't you have a bike at one point in time?
  6. either date works for me. Lets just decide so I can get the day off work
  7. If I remember correctly Anthony and Tina's wedding Anniversary is today. I can't remember how many years it is but I remember Anthony talking about today (for some reason ). Congrats guys! (I think)
  8. Dunno if a 205/50/16 will fit, I have a set of 4 Sumitomo HTRZ II Im willing to let go of for 75. They have about a summers worth of tread left. Pics: http://home.columbus.rr.com/tonyrex/parts/
  9. Unfortunatly not. Im thinking I might have to go buy some dremmel bits and try that. Any other suggestions?
  10. Anybody offer up some info?
  11. I need a place that can drill out a bolt for me. Its in a pretty hard to reach area. Im not sure how this works exactly but I need it done asap!
  12. T Rex

    Mario Piano

    Is it just me or is there a reaccuring theme of Asian people playing songs from video games?
  13. Red is, of course, the best though http://home.columbus.rr.com/tonyrex/protege3.JPG
  14. History repeats itself. Every "Great" nation fell because they got cocky or they ate from led pots and pans or drank from led pipes, but I digress. I can honestly say that I am grateful that I was born a US citizen, however, to think that everyone is jealous of the USA is naive. Im just going to insinuate that 911 happened because we where cocky. "That could never happen to us" etc... Im not saying that we should wait for someone to strike us, thats just retarded. I DO NOT think that we should police the world, like we are.
  15. Let me first say that if the draft was reinstated I would just sign up and forget the stress. To go in and say "we'll just go in and kick the shit out of people," is just ignorant (you will have to forgive me, Im not saying that you are ignorant. For some reason when people say this it really gets to me). Who are we kicking the shit out of? Why are we kicking the shit out of them? People don't like Americans for this reason... because we are cocky. Now, we do have a lot of reason to be PROUD of our Military might but being cocky is just retarded. There will always be a weak point somewhere in either our government or our military. Time will tell whether we can handle that threat or not. Does anybody have faith in our government anymore? The reason I ask is that I personally do not. Clinton kinda messed that up for me first and now we have Bush in there. I am seriously worried about the fate of the USA. In my lifetime, I wouldn't doubt if I saw the collapse of our great and wonderful nation (no im not being sarcastic). Brute force only goes so far... Edit: Whats Bush's GREAT plan for the middle east? I got a 100 bucks says he doesn't have a fucking clue whats going to happen over there. Can you say WWIII? How many other countries have Nukes? The Human Race is going to get fucked in the ass and its because of men like Clinton, Bush, and any other person that thinks a country can just go in and push people around in this present day.
  16. Miss Jones taught me English But I think I just shot her son 'Cause he owed me money With a bullet in the chest you cannot run Now he's bleeding in a vacant lot The one in the summer where we used to smoke pot I guess I didn't mean it But man, you shoulda seen it His flesh explode Slow motion see me let go We tend to die young Third Eye Blind - Slow Motion....
  17. "Pistol shots rang out in the bar room." - Bob Dylan - The Story of Hurricane Carter
  18. Dave, Gas Grass or Ass recommends Napa as well. Another choice you have is M&M, those guys do quality work as well. I don't have a phone number handy but a bunch of guys on here know their number.
  19. If there is ANYTHING I can do, please let me know.
  20. Im confused as to what your question is. Are you talking about the pistons that go inside your engine? or something else?
  21. They quoted me 95 bucks a wheel... and that was just to file down the curb rash and repaint. Then you gotta add on the remounting fee's which was like 15 bucks a tire. Anybody know people that do a good job repairing curb rash and powder coating wheels?
  22. I was going to get an adjustable cam gear anyway. Thanks for the help. graemlins/thumb.gif Ive got basically just about everything I need (except a head). The one that I got at the JY had a nice crack in one of the exhaust seats. I *think* I just might have enough money after taxes to get that Esslinger Aluminum head, which would be ideal (better flow and less detonation pron). My block is getting bored as we speak and the crank is being knife edged (at M&M of course, thanks RL ). Once I figure out what kind of bore I have on the block I will order my pistons, probably Diamond's or JE's. I haven't decided If I will have M&M buid the block or do it myself . Id like to do it myself but Im afraid I will really mess something up. We'll see..... After I get the motor the way I want it I will buy an 87-93 Mustang Notch. Preferably with a 2.3l NA already in there. We'll see where it goes though. This is my first project and I think its coming along pretty well. Mike over at M&M is awesome to work with. He was very busy and REALLY took the time to look at what I wanted to do and what he could help me out with. Granted thats his job but he made a customer out of me. (Thanks again RL)
  23. I haven't been able to find much information on "How to Degree a cam." I just bought a pretty hefty custom ground cam from a friend on turboford.org. Unfortunatly, he doesnt have a cam card and the only specs that I know are: 540/.534 234/236 duration @ .050 110 C/L 110 LSA Im sure that I messed up somewhere. Im still reading up on what each spec means on the cam. Figured I would ask for some help here as well.
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