06 busa rides like every other busa
i don't know if they all will do this but i know ask will if you have your endorsement and run a pre credit check you will be able too
ive also been to both shops scott and ips scott went above and beyond and ips is also very good at what they do +1111111111189753648723857608276537 for both
yea and sometimes it spills over to the check cashign place gets packed real fast but i dont hink any races go on just a bunch of mini vans sitting with there kids (white trash) occasinally youll see a nice mopar or a lowered s10 with a big scoop (matt) but no one has raced worth talkign about
Do you happen to be talking about the Mase and Puffy song where they are wearing shiney green and white jump suits??? That was like their second big hit. BTW, most of those songs are on a CD in my car!!! Good choices!
i dont know if it makes me a purest bu ti think they should have stuck with the vw bug for bumble bee, and why does the mustang have to be the bad guy?