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Everything posted by NTHER91

  1. good power but they are way ugly IMO 07 zuki will dominate all (i hope)
  2. ok this is a first for me but repost
  3. i dont come from money at all but if i were in there situation i cant say that i wouldnt do the same thing but then again i would have differant morals and veiws on the subject. everyone of us on here that arnt rich would have comepletely diff veiws on the matter if we grew up rich, there is no reason to get pissed of that some d-bag flaunted his moms money (sounds like jelousy to me) and to all those people that say they arnt jealous but are still pissed your living in your own world, let them spend whos ever money it is and you spend yours
  4. if you know the file name use killbot but be very careful
  5. IT's A DODGE also if you think clark can drive or work on a turbo dodge you shoul dsee him try to start and ride the dessert racer
  6. is that what lsx motors run on ?????
  7. NTHER91

    Dr. Z06

    sorry doc they really need to make a keyboard for fuller figured fingers for all who can read it was supposed to say this you outta try more than just a liter bike (1299) or so the sticker says
  8. NTHER91

    Dr. Z06

    major league LOL you outta try a more than liter bike then
  9. HAHA i was there for that even though you did wax him i was impressed with what he did ..."ok no bottle this time"
  10. quoted by the fastest neon on the board !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!toofast
  11. good luck greag and congrats you have a pm
  12. Ephedra, also known as Ma Huang, is banned in the United States, effective since April 2004. Although Ephedra was a popular weight loss supplement, there were many reports of serious adverse reactions. The Ephedra ban has been challenged however, the side effects are too weighty to ignore. Ephedra can cause dizziness, restlessness, anxiety, irritability, personality change, difficulty concentrating, insomnia, headache, thirst, anorexia, nausea, vomiting, heartburn, flushing, heart palpitations, hyperthermia, increased blood pressure, and dependence. Even more serious, the use of Ephedra has been linked to hypertension, myocardial infarction (MI), cardiomyopathy, chest tightness, cardia arrest, cardia arrhythimias, cerebreal hemorrhage, loss of consciousness, seizure, stroke, psychosis, and other serious conditions. In some cases, the adverse effects werer severe or life-threatening. According to one study, Ephedra accounts for only 1% of herbal product sales but 64% of the adverse reaction reports to poison control centers. It is one hundred times more likely than any other herb to provoke adverse reactions. To view research related to this nutrient Click Here Disclaimer: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Manufacturers continually change product specifications. While we try our best to keep product descriptions up to date, they do not necessarily reflect the latest information available from the manufacturer. We are not responsible for incorrect or outdated product descriptions and/or images. WebVitamins is not responsible for pricing errors, and may not be able to honor orders for items where the pricing is incorrect. http://www.webvitamins.com/Nutrient.aspx?id=1127 Bodybuilding. copm says Take for the temporary relief of shortness of breath, tightness of chest, and wheezing. Helps loosen mucus and thin bronchial secretions to drain bronchial tubes and make cough more productive. VasoPro is a synergistic blend of Ephedrine and Guaifenesin. It is one of our best selling products. Why? Because it works. Try some today and see for yourself why VasoPro is flying off the shelves. Due to DEA restrictions, you must be 18 years of age or older to purchase this product. Also, you cannot purchase more than 6 bottles in a 30 day period. Note: This version of ephedrine HCL was not banned by the US Government http://www.bodybuilding.com/store/mp/vaso.html Those damn body builders always find away to get around the fda and dea Ephedra is the common name for three principal species: Ephedra sinica, Ephedra equisentina, and Ephedra intermedia. The active compounds in the plant's stem (about 1.32% by weight) are the phenylalanine-derived alkaloids ephedrine, pseudoephedrine, phenylpropanolamine (norephedrine), and cathine (norpseudoephedrine). Alkaloid content and composition vary by species and growth conditions; total alkaloid content can vary from 0.5% to 2.3%. Ephedrine, the most potent alkaloid, can account for up to 90% of the total alkaloid content and pseudoephedrine can account for up to 27%. The pharmacologic activity of an ephedra sample depends on its alkaloid composition. North American ephedra species, such as E. nevadensis (known as Mormon tea), contain little or no ephedrine or other alkaloids. The Chinese botanical ephedra, or ma-huang, was sold as a dietary supplement in the United States. It is a natural source of the alkaloids ephedrine and pseudoephedrine. Some dietary supplement products used for weight loss and to enhance athletic performance contain these alkaloids. Synthetic ephedrine and pseudoephedrine are found in over-the-counter decongestants and cold medicines and are used to treat asthma. Ephedrine is not approved in the United States as a drug for weight loss or to enhance athletic performance. The use of ephedrine, ephedrine plus caffeine, or dietary supplements containing ephedra and botanicals with caffeine is associated with a modest but statistically significant increase in weight loss over a relatively short time (less than or equal to 6 months). No studies have assessed their long-term effects (greater than 6 months). Vasopro Ephedrine HCL (hydrochloride) is synthetic and is pharmaceutical grade. Ephedrine HCL is an over the counter drug. It is used to preserve muscle tissue from breaking down. http://www.cljhealth.com/vasopro-ephedrine-hcl.htm there is all the info you would need to know about it and where you can buy it
  13. i need pedals too if anyone has a set (5 spd) and i also need a carb intake for a 302 anyone got one?
  14. how about when one person answers the speaker then another reads back your order and then when you say thats wrong another says WHY!!! i went thru the tim hortons on roberts rd to get coffe and cookies and i had to talk to 5 diff people over the speaker then a diff one took my money GRRRRRRRRRR
  15. after seeing that it just makes my point CLARK and ADAM CAN NOT DRIVE
  16. so due to the fact that you work at jegs make you automatically know all the fast imports? im sure every fast import buys stuff at jegs. In fact they only started carrying real performance parts for imports after wayne took over as the buyer in delaware, and that was not that long ago. What about all the cars who go to RX-7 store or IPS bet you didnt know about all of those cars. Think before you speak (especially when your trying to represent your employer) JEEEEGGGSS!!!!!!!!!!!
  17. check out the new 5.0 and sperfords AMP performance offers all the swaps including t-5, t-56 or aod to anything 1800-454-8387 or http://www.ampperformance.com 96 to 04 t-45/t-3650 500 kit $1937 (three peice kit) aode to 500 $3250 includes clutch kit
  18. buy race gas only since in a yr it will be cheap buy these standards problem solved
  19. ok we will get together this weekend
  20. that sucks man ill keep an eye out man and even if it sucks it is a pretty bike
  21. It's very great. Just wish they had more activities. The web site seems like they are going to build a play groud too. I can't wait!!! ~PonyPimpstress~
  22. very pretty bikes but those dry cluthes (chatter chatter chatter) get on my nerves
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