as i only worked for one company obviously i can not comment on all or every insurance company i thought that fact would have been obvious next time i will spell it out
If it goes on a claim if you plan on switchig providers it will affect your rates
your rates will go up as it is an accident you were involved in (fault or not)
they will go after her
when they sue her for damages they incurred they will also sue on your behalf for your pain and suffering
id drive the hell out of a technic car or that new bike they have out
opinions are like assholes, everyone has one, and everyone else's stinks
thats why no one on here that i know of is employed buy ford or gm as a designer!!!!
being 6'7" almost 8" the yamaha just isnt comfy for me but i love the looks and ill be dmand do i seem to get beat buy anythng but a 600 or a 750 so im deff no judge of whats fast