berto, eric and i were talkin with clark and adam about going. i can't this sunday off, only next sunday... so well prob go next weekend!!! if you want to go with us, you're more than welcome! give me a call!!!!
i got tested about 3 yrs ago and then before the new GF, just to make sure but i wasnt asked. You just never know whos dirty anymore. and its usually the little barbie ones that are dirty so she just dosnt want it again lol
im looking for some help to do commercial concrete work
good.) yr round work, good pay, weekly pay
bad.) boss difficult to work with but if you do the job right not so bad.
VERY hard work if you dont like manual labor this is deff not the job for you pm me with any questions so i can tell you where to come to fill out an application
that is the only ad that yamaha should put out for that bike cuz if that dosnt make you want one nothing will.... on the other hand now the R6 is prolly gonna be like the suzuki EVERYONE HAS ONE