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Everything posted by NTHER91

  1. You choose http://www.lepconnie.com/picswarwickstarwars1.html
  2. Sam will win 1.) not real positive but lighter car 2.) lighter driver 3.) ccw 4.) big jets /sam 5.) linn will blow his car up trying to spray that much to it if he dosnt do it racing sam ............he will with me
  3. Devil's advocate What if a 18 yr old frail nerd is raped by a older or just stronger woman and she gets pregnant, is he responsible? What if a couple gets pregnant and the guy dosnt know about it but she goes and has a abortion, can he sue her? What if a guy finds out that "his" child isn't really "his" after all can he sue her for moneys spent on that child?(no he can't i firmly belive it would get laughed out of court). I completely agree that a guy should take care of his responsiblities, but when does he get equal rights? If you think this contry is run by men you are sadly mistaken!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  4. What do you think the chances are to walk in the first class ????
  5. NTHER91

    Name this song

    Marc, you know how i know your gay, you have a bumper sticker that says i like balls in my mouth
  6. "It's likely that Ford will continue to produce special-edition models of several vehicles, but they will not be sold through SVT channels." does anyone remember when they changed the name from svo? They arnt stopping the production just the name.
  7. NTHER91

    Name this song

    nickleback animals damn you beat me
  8. Transformer blew up and now your not at full power. But i really have no idea call your power company
  9. Just got my car back from them/him putting the cage in and i couldnt have asked for a better job and the price was outstanding. I could not recommend them more, A+++++++ service and work
  10. if your a true firebird/ gm guru and you hang out with all gurus then get what you want they will get it and so will a big handfull of the public, but i will tell you that it will get real old having to explain your plate all the time frmash= from ash phenoix (sp?) thats the best i got
  11. Sounds Canadian. (that would explain alot) and WTF is it with people making all thease DUMBASS movies its like they couldn't make it in "RL" so they do that!?!?!?!?!
  12. should have tried flapping his arms
  13. he called us perverts like hes the one that didnt find the site
  14. that is a latteral move for you mark a turd to a turd in no way was i makeing fun of this lt1 for sale just mark
  15. NTHER91

    Msd 6al

    brand new MSD 6AL in box with everything that it comes with. 175.00
  16. silly bitch your words are no use against me
  17. Soooo will you get mad if someone really comes up to you and slaps you (not hard) and calls you janet
  18. I'll solve the debate right now that motor sucks, no lsx motor is worth a shit..... That car is gay it'll never make it down the track buy a merlin 800 cube and put it in a rail car then its made buy you. not chebby or dorf and on an ending note hes prolly going to run cheap street, jeff dean did the same swap almost and went 10s cuz its cheap dont get your panties in a bunch the first part is sarcasm
  19. I was gonna say ive seen it in picktown
  20. this thread reminds me of high school...and it sickens me " i got this , well i got this , lets race on the second tuesday of next week." " i was there, where were you" i went but you WASNT " " i was by the barbies you didnt see me?" no i was back buying my walmart crate motor " SIIIICKKKKKKK lame
  21. I wonder if she comes with a big mac meal? ... that would be a deal
  22. You mean i called out a fake car .................Jokes on me
  23. mustang is a 4 cly you will just have to run it im not very good at sand baggin ok well ill re gear the busa then and well see who can get to 170 asap
  24. Comb your beard i dont wanna hear that shit . i hit you with your own pimp funny shit
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