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Everything posted by nicktcfcsb

  1. http://i553.photobucket.com/albums/jj398/nicktcfcsb/saleenatshow.jpg
  2. I went from vipers and 5.0s to this? Yep it is true. http://i553.photobucket.com/albums/jj398/nicktcfcsb/stufforebayagain001.jpg http://i553.photobucket.com/albums/jj398/nicktcfcsb/things003.jpg
  3. I want gold for 6 bucks an ounce
  4. Bump $150 its going to get ruined in the garage if I dont sell it.
  5. Good quote from vid Fersomling 2 months ago 3 Where was she during physics? In the cafeteria?
  6. A&F Flip flops are great for braking.
  7. The Great Depression, 6000 banks out of business, 9 million savings accounts gone, 13 million jobless, 400,000 family farms repossessed by the banks, 2600 schools closed down, admissions to mental hospitals were up 300%, 2 million people homeless, suicide up by 30%, unemployment went from 9% to 25%. Stocks dropped 40%. Watch this Video to get you in the mood. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2CW0hGhINjc&playnext=1&videos=DS0JYpBT9yI
  8. http://i553.photobucket.com/albums/jj398/nicktcfcsb/things002.jpg
  9. It was so hot! but a good time. some sick mk1s too! one of my favs http://i553.photobucket.com/albums/jj398/nicktcfcsb/things002.jpg
  10. Just a heads up for you VW fans. http://www.covvc.org/volksfest.htm
  11. Thanks Gabe http://i553.photobucket.com/albums/jj398/nicktcfcsb/roofbasket004.jpg
  12. Looks like god saved another cancer victim
  13. I was enjoying reading this. Then it stopped
  14. I like how its a 1999 its rare becuase its the only 98 bodied 99 ever that makes it fast. Do you ever feel that a car like this has been ragged everyday since he got it?
  15. http://columbus.craigslist.org/cto/1870751087.html
  16. And he drives a MK1 VW he is my hero!
  17. Damn, I think its sitting in the garage for another 24 months
  18. http://www.hotrodder.com/caddy/BMVLAW.html Well here is what I want to know, does this apply to model year or year that the car was produced. As most cars are built the year before they are sold as model year. So exactly how old is a 1987 car?
  19. That S&M dirt bike in the auction is the best one.
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