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Everything posted by darksrt4

  1. pssh not jailbait your too old for me now. jk jk
  2. i dont see what the big deal is. So they are under rating ther cars. Something almost every muscle car maker did in the late 60's. But if they did beef up tester that went to the media thats fucked up. I also igree imurobgyn
  3. haha that is great!! Ya wtf, me and my girl could not stop laughing at is load and annoying voice in the movie. we couldnt even understand what he was saying sometimes.
  4. did Madden ever get this email him self?
  5. fuck um, who cares. i know isolationism leads to ww3, but fuck um.
  6. anyone that has looked at google/ yahoo maps and that think wtf? should get this. I have many times been lost and totally clueless b/c of these maps!
  7. I am a commo ninja. SINGARS, ASIP, 117, 150, 152, even more dumb older some newer shit that most havnt seen, I have mastered! I mean i Jump out of a plane with 117s and a everything to set up a wireless siper net. I am ready for no internet! i will make my own! But yes no internet sucks..
  8. darksrt4

    Stolen Quad on CL

    When i was in high school me and some friends went to a trailer park and try and get some stolen items back. There was a few cars of people. <--(you know how highschool is) everyone was just sitting back and watching my friend try and get his stuff. Well in about 10mins half the trailer park was out there. ONe with a shot gun others with knifes. One car got the window busted out by shot gun buttstroke. Cops got called and we were leaving when you get a shotgun pointed in the face you tend to want to leave. LOng story short he didnt get his stuff back. 40 year old man with shotgun went to jail for the weekend. He later ended up shooting a kid in the head about a month later. I could see a similar result here. Call cops once vin is confermed.
  9. the Burnout games are really fun. Doesnt take any brain power to be good at it!
  10. Welcome Cameron your pops put it to me i think back in 05. I had a black srt4 and i was talking alot of shit on mustangs. Yep you was with him, glad to see a cool relationship you guys have.
  11. bike looks great and killer price big up to ya
  12. ya i am good at setting myself up for ownage on the net... i dont do research for my statements, however i am on sherdog. I havnt been there in a few years tho.
  13. reminds me of something that my grandpa would have done.
  14. I hope you dont think that you are that 1%... The Term MMA wasnt even really talked about untill what 1997 at the earliest. I mean the ufc was made to show style vs style. Tito was one of the first and many beleive he was the first to train to fight MMA not just jitsu or whatever, but as a whole fighting sport. ha DVD weak anyone can get them on DVD i have the VHS, like the first 10 ufcs. Ultmate Ultmate ufc.
  15. same here, blood everywheres... letting up the pressure to soon. Try doing it in a gun truck going 40mph. Extreme CLS FTW
  16. this whole tread is packed full of gayness... damn just my myself part of it -fail
  17. nope her parents are going to hindu hell for cutting off half of that goddess
  18. I want to see the show be really good. I Love Top Gear been hooked on it for years. They have to be non bais when testing cars for real 'gearheads' to enjoy it. I dont think that can happen the the US everyone is too money hungry. I am hoping for the best tho!
  19. I Hearth Death Race 2000 also all 3 mad max, I hope they do make a 4th
  20. So why hasnt someone scooped this up yet?
  21. Mainly b/c of my downsyndrome and laziness to look closer.... i feel owned and retarded.
  22. sorry for not sharing i have been on that bored for sometime now...
  23. All they had to do is put it on Corell Word Perfect... geez http://i152.photobucket.com/albums/s170/radiojumper/Untitled.jpg
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