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Everything posted by cNeutron

  1. I hate this statement so much im sorry man. Im a huge Ohio State fan but the Big ten is falling behind other major conferences. It makes me sick to watch games with the talent we have to all be wasted. I hate run it up the gut football, that was great in the 50's times have changed. This is why we get destroyed in bowl games. Tress needs the playbook taken out of his hands drop his ego and then we should be good. I just want to win a bowl game and not be the laughing stock of sports nation....again. Im scared as hell to play Oregon their offense can score so many points so quickly. If they play like they did against USC we are in a lot of trouble. We have a great D but we cannot go into a shootout with them we will lose. Tress needs some sort of imagination to get us the win. I would have rather played in a lesser bowl game to get the win then get blown out by another superior team. Im just trying to be a realist about the situation at hand.
  2. I think they look pimp....except for the helmet because it reminds me of Alabama.
  3. Totally disagree....during that windstorm last year where everyone lost power. Our reception went out for 1 second and never had a problem again. I love directv and would never switch. 3 words as well NFL Sunday Ticket...greatest package to buy.
  4. Why because PS3 doesnt have Halo and doesnt cost money to play online? You sir are retarted for having a 360.
  5. Does it really need the "ford gt" on the front bumper....lame.....Its like when people put HONDA on the windshield of their car like other poeple dont know. looks like a cobra wanna be, and a terrible attempt at it.
  6. To hate the Jerseys is just dumb. I love alternate like georgia's black. I think it would be cool if we wore Jerseys that are different maybe get the players excited to play. who knows
  7. do you think its for sale because i would buy that in a second.....ummm wait no i wouldnt...
  8. I have lost both of my parents and staying positive is hard. I would like to think though i am really positive. It helps a lot to have a good friend base. I can always count on them and they were with me through everything during both times. Mentally I remain good because of what my parents made me become. They built me right ever since I was a little kid and know it pays off. I never dove into drugs or drinking.
  9. cNeutron I play Madden, NHL 10 and random other games
  10. I have 20s on my g35 and still have my stock wheels. I was thinking about getting a 2nd car for the winter.
  11. That guy is funny on break he does the man in the box show and tweet box.
  12. Today, pryor is the college jamarcus russell......Tress is just dumb and needs some imagination. We need a o cord, tress cannot do the job. Pryor stairs down his recievers all day long. Pryor lost the game for us today plain and simple. Dont try to make excuses for his lack of execution. No one compare where he is now to Vince young that argument has gone stale. We deserved to lose we are not a top 10 team. Our offense AGAIN sucks our D cant bail us out every time. Who the hell goes for a field goal when we are down by more then 10 points. Tress needs to go. "oh he won the national championship"....with coopers players. we are once again and always will be the laughing stock of college football. FML
  13. baseball is barley a sport. Most baseball players arent even real athletes. Kickers and punters are a vital part of football. They dont do that much most of the time but they make huge plays that win games for teams every year. Adam Vinitari won 3 superbowls with last second field goals with the pats.
  14. I will vote for casinos. Kinda weird though there has been a ton of pro casino adds on tv. Not a single one against it. I have never seen so much for a bill.
  15. So im looking to get a HD video camera. I also have a mac obviously i went to best buy and the guy said that basically none of them would work for a mac. I felt the guy was full of shit so I just walked out. I will pay around 1,000. Im wanting to get into video editing more. So any help would be great.
  16. Lucky number Slevin.....it had josh hartnett in it need i say more. BUT The movie ended up being really good.
  17. I got a Jersey for my roomate for christmas. The only problem is I got him the wrong size. Its a Marion Barber Jersey and in perfect condition. The size is a Large I paid 90.00 I will sell it for 60.00 obo. http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/picture.php?albumid=408&pictureid=2966http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/picture.php?albumid=408&pictureid=2964 Also selling a desk I dont use anymore I got it at Office Max less then a year or so ago. Also 60.00 obo on the desk. You will have to come pick it up. http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/picture.php?albumid=408&pictureid=2965
  18. Preach on.....Tress needs to go in a big way. "omg how can ohio state fans say that shit after he won a NC!!!" I will tell you why because he is terrible against big teams. Sweet we can beat the other little conference teams. We can beat up on other teams in our conference. But we can not seem to hang with the best.....again. Our D cord might be the biggest problem. It was the end of the Texas game all over again. We cant stop anything at the end. Tress doesnt seem to play to win the games he seems to try not to make mistakes. We need bigger plays more effective and creative ways of getting the ball down the field. Our last punt we should have tried to kick a field goal.
  19. District 9 was terrible.....i was so bored the entire way through. The only cool part was the way that it was filmed in a sorta documentery way.
  20. Atlanta Falcons fo sho ever since the Dion days....also i like Vick too.
  21. Marissa Miller is the hottest by far.....then adriana lima after that who cares
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