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Everything posted by cNeutron

  1. im in i just havent signed up yet we should switch it to the espn fantasy football. Their setup is way better imo. Also my friend wants to get in too.
  2. It sucks that his happened. Now sportscenter is even more lame. You wont be able to watch without hearing about this or farve. I cannot wait for football to come back. Baseball is the worse sport in the entire world. At the level of the WNBA.
  3. ba then i will give him a call tomorrow
  4. I just purchased a 07 G35 and I need window tint on it bad. Is their anyone on here that does it? I want to get around 5% all the way around. Looking for someone that does some really nice quality work.
  5. As the title states so sucks to be me. The people who stole from me took a labtop, plasma, ipod, 360, 360 games, prada sunglasses, book bag, and guitar. There were some other things but not as important. They got away with something that means the world to me. My dad had a Rado watch that was given to me after he passed. That looked like this http://www.carosta.com/wristwatches/rado-watch-diastar-integral-r20383152.jpg . I could careless about all the other stuff but this watch. Im going to be calling all the pawn shops tomorrow in hopes of finding it. I was wondering if anyone had any other ideas on trying to locate it. Any help would be great.
  6. she isnt that good looking imo. And seeing her little temper tantrums on SC makes her look even worse. Very overrated as a hot chick. Cute at best. I agree with wnaplay no tits so her body looks like a 12 year old just nasty
  7. I had a 01 Cobra until it got personal with a wall on 270.
  8. meatheads all around the nation must be crying right now
  9. wine is amazing but the snuggie looks like cult garb. lol I wouldnt be surprised if the next mass suicide a bunch of the people are wearing snuggies. It does look comfortable though.
  10. I work at the corporate store at Easton we have a bunch. I can help you. I would watch yourself if you go to a authorized dealer.
  11. Sorry to hear about your loss man. I lost my dad 2 years ago in a motorcycle accident and my mom in November. Words cannot describe what pain you must be in right now. If you need anyone to talk to about it im available. I truly do know what it feels like and its the worse thing in the world.
  12. Say yeah is one of my fav songs right now. I DL it about 2 months ago.
  13. Yea its not about money I dont need any. Its the fact of someone's careless mistake. I appreciate everyones concern and im going to seek a lawyer as more and more facts come through. My mom never smoked in her life either, she was a really healthy woman. I just hate thinking over and over again this could and should have been avoided. Thanks again to everyone that responded I really appreciate it.
  14. My mom died yesterday because of a miss diagnosed problem. The doctor gave her medicine that gave her a blood clot in her heart. From what i am hearing the doctor was a idiot and didnt tell her the right thing to do. My mom was having a shortness of breath 2 weeks ago. Instead of having her go to the ER on the spot for a cat scan just gave her some birth control. Well now because that was done she lost her life. I want to know what i should do if i should go after the doctor for not doing what she(doctor) should have done? Im really mad my mom shouldnt have died and this could have easily been avoided. Any real insight would really help.
  15. FROM MY STORE MANAGER. As the title says, the price will be 199.99 with a 2 year contract. I have to assume thats after a 50.00 mail in rebate. For everyone that pmed me yesterday I will be checking your eligibility status today. I will call or text you with the info you need to get it. Im not sure how many my store is getting but they are saying alot since we are the biggest store in dublin. If you have any questions feel free to call/text me at 614-361-1796.
  16. If you live in the dublin area I work in a CORPORATE Verizon store in front of tuttle. I can get you the storm when it drops. We are even having a launch party for it 1 of 3 stores in the columbus area. You wont have to pay 500.00 either. If you want me to call anyone who is on here when it comes out just send me your number and i will call you a day before time. We will have it the day it launches so you dont have to wait for 3rd party stores to get it.
  17. I went as Harvey Dent aka 2 face...It was baller i will post pics up later.
  18. I cant believe no one talked about this. I thought this was funny as hell. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BO6aUNpPYco malcolm did exactly what i would have been doing. i think its a great tradition at camp randal.
  19. I dont know how you missed us i wont lie. We were there for 4 hourslol. We were the only group playing football.
  20. i havent met anyone im going to be playing with today. so someone give me a call when they get there 614-361-1796 or text me so i can find everyone easily.
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