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Posts posted by cNeutron

  1. practice tomorrow? i could possibly bring along some friends to get a 7v7 game going or something if we can find a field.


    There is a field in gahanna at the middle school (not sure which one). Its off of stygler (sp) My friends and I always play football there.

  2. I wonder what would happen if a white person complained? Honestly It kinda looks like old style cartoons how they would draw black people I understand her complaint about that. The comic is not from america so she doesnt have a right to bitch imo. People just take things to WAY to seriously.


    Ohh and everyone leave aunt Jemima alone she makes my waffles and pancakes better so dont hate on her.

  3. seriously go put two in her head and turn yourself in you'll thank me later use temporary insanity as your defense


    damn thats twice now I hope your wife never cheats on you. You are one scary mother fucker lol.


    On a serious note, sorry to hear about your situation. I hope it all works out without a ton of money being spent to get your kid. Bitches will be bitches and they always seem to win in situations like these.

  4. You should just go take your keys and drop them off at Goodwill for a tax write off. You just lost your privilege to own a nice looking car. ;)


    whoa whoa it has been a long week I havent been able to wash it. I feel bad enough about it dont crush my spirit. lol

  5. I go out to my car to leave work today and put something in my trunk. I close it and see on the top of my bumper it says "import" written into the dust. I thought this was funny but honestly who does that? I also found out that I really need to wash my car.
  6. My trusty EnV Is starting to become not so trusty, so It's time for an upgrade. I text a lot. I send picture messages a lot. I don't talk on the phone all that much, but call quality is important as well.


    These are the phones I'm considering:


    -Samsung Glyde . This seems like a really nice phone. Touch screen, slide out qwerty keyboard, small size. Good stuff. Anyone have this phone? Likes? Dislikes? How's signal reception?


    -LG Dare . This seems like a truly pimp phone. Full touch screen, almost the same size as the Glyde, 3.2MP camera, built in image editing capabilities. The only thing that worries me is the on-screen keyboard. As much as I text I'm afraid this could be a problem. Also this phone is so new it's not in stores yet, so I can't try before I buy. Has anyone here used one of these? Likes? Dislikes?


    -The last phone I'm considering is the 3G iPhone. Pretty much it's what the 1st iPhone SHOULD have been. BUT, does the 3G iPhone support A2DP? (Stereo bluetooth), and MMS(picture messaging.) Also this is a full touch screen phone with no real keyboard. Who else texts a lot? How is this phone to type on?


    Get the Dare I have one and the texting is easy. The camera is bad ass as well the entire phone is just pimp.


    The env2 is gayer then aids. I think it looks like shit IMO.

  8. After 10min it came to a tie, 59 dogs to 59 dogs... in a 5 dog eat off, Chestnut edged out Kobayashi by about 5 seconds.


    I heard Kobayashi could barley open his mouth because it had become serverly arthritic. I guess he got through it.

  9. I dislike this rule too. Calling is ghey because if you call and miss, nothing happens. You get no penalty for missing except if you make a different cup it doesn't count. But if you happen to hit the cup the other team takes 2. It's fucking stupid.



    Dumb!... Yea its real "ghey" to be able to call your shot or make it. I would more so consider that skill but to each their own. Its a hell of a lot better rule than death cup.

  10. No get-together for a "live in person" draft at a bar or resturant or at the commissioners house = Me not playin' for money. People never pay up for on online drafts, in order to play in a live in person draft, you have to bring your cash to the draft. If it goes this way, let me know, if not, have fun. If it is free, I will do a online draft from home.


    He speaks the truth. I want to do a live draft but EVERYONE needs to bring their money.

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