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Posts posted by cNeutron

  1. Just curious. Is anyone really wearing cleats? I dont have any and really dont feel like buying a pair before 1pm tomorow but i know my running shoes wont do shit on a field.


    Oh and I dont think I've met any of you in person so if you see a guy roll up in a black eclipse by all means come introduce yourself.


    John are you going to play FT QB?


    ohhh yea i was being serious about the cleats. When we first started playing there my friends were making fun that i had cleats. By the 2nd time we played everyone brought them.

  2. Yeah we could do the practice field by the horseshoe, parking is kinda limited there though but it is a nicer field. Lets get this organized and settled by tomorrow so everyone has time to figure out what they are doing


    I say 1pm at the practice fields if parking is a issue then we go to kenny and lane.


    Everyone make sure you bring cleats or you will get burnt. That field is really fast and I doubt you want your ankles broken lol.

  3. Your dish is/was pointed wrong.


    For me to loose signal, I have to not be able to see outside.


    DirecTV rules.




    Cable sucks I would never go back. Even during the heavy winds last week our Direct TV never went out. We have RARELY ever had a problem.

  4. I will give you the answer on who to root for. YOU ROOT FOR MICHIGAN. Notre Dame is the most overrated school in the world. I hate them more then the Yankees and Redsox in sports. You also root for MEEEECHIGAN because they are in the big ten.
  5. I hate this flight. I got to Honolulu yesterday. Now I am waking up at 3:30 am here. Jet lag sucks!


    I have been to Maui like 12 times which is amazing BTW. I agree the plane flight takes forever. I remember going to Dallas then LA to Honolulu. Then going Chicago to Honolulu. Jet lag sucks but remember you are in Hawaii so its not too bad. lol

  6. thanks for the advice. i guess you weren't good enough to play a college sport??


    You guys are in your 30s right? Stop acting like highschoolers. "well if coach would have put my in we would have won state". Who cares what he has on his walls. Quit going off topic and keep it to the buckeyes. Not your guys glory days in the early 90s.

  7. Last year ? Best team in the country ?


    Im a bucks fan through and through but please take the S and G blinders off. We lost to Illinois last year ... than got handled in the NC game, by an SEC team ... again. Add to that our generally padded schedule (weak big ten) and its easy to see why every other state in the country thinks we're in for an L. We definitely have some wicked talent but we haven't proven anything yet. Hopefully we bring our A game. We're gonna need it.


    Illinois lost to USC.

  8. Wouldn't that make you a Michigan fan???


    I doubt it, I root for Michigan every week too except when we play them. I root for the entire Big Ten only makes us and the conference look better. I respect Michigan but that doesnt mean I like them. Why would I root for someone else in a different conference. When all we hear is how "weak" the Big Ten is.


    Then, I tried to explain that I think Tressel has no balls and OSU would be a better team winning the "big" games if he wasn't their coach. Now, I've only been here a couple of years and only been in the horseshoe a few times - but when I did go, I watched the emotions the team and coach went through. I see the team fade when Tressel starts acting like a little bitch. Therefore, IMHO, the team would be better off without him.


    I hate to admit it but I kinda agree with this. I think Tressel is a good coach and has done amazing things since being here. I just dont know if he can adjust to the spread offense. He seems to stuck in old school ways of football. Pound the ball down the middle and eventually throw it. He does lack passion which has always annoyed me. I never see him get mad. I want to see a coach yell and get his players fired up.

  10. Why? Beenie being a "secret" won't help them anyways. Doesn't it seem kinda childish to play head games against an opponent you're gonna lose to?


    It'd be like you telling everyone that your hands is sore and it may not be healed by the time you step in the ring with Mike Tyson. It won't matter.


    Dont be "that" guy. :nono:

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