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Posts posted by cNeutron

  1. When I was in Macau (google it) I was told the chinese govt rounded up all the kidnappers that used to run rampant, put them on top of a very tall apartment building and said "jump or go to jail".


    They all jumped.


    I heard a similar story about someone in Bejing recently.


    Now that is some serious capital punishment.

  2. Good deal, I think the Borla's look awesome on the T/As, and are adjustable. Of course if you want to be heard like the rest of us kids, SLP Loudmouth is the only way to go. Was anything done to it by the previous owner? Welcome back to the faster side of life.


    The man speaks the truth. I had SLP on my GT and it sounded amazing.

  3. I went from averaging zero kills per game and getting killed about fifteen times, to killing five and being killed ten. Not bad for a few Live games and a guy who hates this controller :)


    when are you guys playing next? I just started playing it TONIGHT. I saw you were on but im a newb so im just going through the campaign. I need to roll with the people that are good on here.

  4. Well hot damn i'm wrong and i'm sorry lol. I jsut found this as well:


    Though drafted in 1987 by the San Antonio Spurs, David Robinson did not play in the NBA until 1989 due to commitments to the United States Navy.[8] His rookie season with the Spurs began in the 1989–90 season.[9]


    Dont ever question me again! :p lol

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