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Everything posted by cNeutron

  1. cNeutron

    Need sold!

    yea they are BA my mom has them at home on her computer.
  2. Soooo....how was your trip?
  3. cNeutron

    Need sold!

    I want the speakers....why are you getting rid of them?
  4. http://gizmodo.com/5034967/freewheeler-speaker-can-be-rolled-around-yeah-that-makes-it-worth-21000 Who in their right mind would get this. Biggest waste of money....ever!
  5. very sad to hear. I really enjoyed him in movies and his standup RIP
  6. Spoken like a true politician. As soon as someone talks shit it goes straight to blackmail. Chill out dont get mad because someone gives you shit about your posts. You seem to take things WAY to seriously.
  7. In the case between H. Clinton and Thorne I would pick Clinton. Both people seem about useless.
  8. yea but its NOT baseball and its amazing lol. I will take preseason football over any baseball game of any kind any day of the week.
  9. +1 those people really are out of their fucking minds
  10. Ouch sorry to see that. At least you came out of it ok.
  11. http://www.theglobeandmail.com/servlet/story/RTGAM.20080806.wpetaad0806/BNStory/National/home I understand what PETA stands for but the people running it are crazy. This add they were trying to run is just tasteless. I saw the Penn and Teller "Bullshit" on PETA, group of psychos imo.
  12. Verse pm sent. We just got our 9th. Im still waiting on the 10th each team getting a bye week is lame!
  13. I told them by today so I will have a answer for you and pm it.
  14. I should have implied i was being sarcastic better. Thats my bad lol.
  15. lol Yea it is thats what I get for working at Best Buy for 2 years. Thats what im thinking. Tvs should not lose calibration if they are less then a year old. For it to be this recent could be something more severe. I dont know if just using the remote the line up the red, green, and blue lines will fix the problem. Apparently Thorne knows how to.
  16. Might just need a simple realignment if its less then a year old. You do have atleast I assume Sony warranty on the tv. HH Gregg might replace it as well im not really sure ive never shopped their.
  17. I will fix it. Who made the tv? Do you have a service plan on it?
  18. Is that the kid from the boost mobile commercials? With Jermain Dupri and the other rapper that I forget his name.
  19. Its the tv...gravity over time causes that. Its what always happen to rear projection tvs. Look at it this way its a reason to upgrade the tv.
  20. Sorry to hear about that man. Karma is a bitch and whoever stole your shit karma will catch up to them.
  21. I would rock out the Zach Morris phone now. He was my idol when I was a kid. Plus I still want Kelly Kapowski.
  22. I have the Dare as well for about a week and I love it too. I did not make this post on my Dare. But still BA you can nontheless.
  23. I have another for sure he has just been lazy about signing up.
  24. cNeutron

    Dear Hal,

    This thread = Super Gay. Like dreaming of a giant king crab gay.
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