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Everything posted by cNeutron

  1. cNeutron


    Since when did it have to make sense to you? Are you the one that justifys how much i should go back there? You dont know why i went back there so who are you to make a statement like that. And futhermore I dont care if you think i am full of shit i dont need your approval to justify my car.
  2. wanted to know if anyone else has xbox live. If so pm me with your gametag and we should play. Great game btw recomend it to anyone.
  3. Those are all funny but the best is rodney carrington....get one of his cds you will bust a gut!
  4. cNeutron


    you are a idiot for making the statement to ban me if i didnt show pics. And sorry if you want to take your car from NC to ohio like 6 times in the summer thats your choice. I didnt want to do that to mine. I am very content with it being there until i get back. I dont care if you dont believe me if i have it or not. It really doesnt bother me, I know what I have and thats all that has to be known.
  5. cNeutron


    Ban?? you are a idiot. I bought the car just before i left to come back here for the summer. Since I am moving back in the fall i didnt see a reason to bring it out here. Yea I do want it out here in the summer but i hate having to put so many miles on it going back and forth. I am moving back in sept then i will post pics for all the unbelievers. I never made up any excuses, from day 1 since i got back this is what i have said. Its in NC.....I am moving back in Sept......then i will post pics. Is that clear enough for you republicant??
  6. cNeutron


    Same place i always said it was, I am here in Ohio for the summer and it is in NC. Where i am moving back to in the fall. So in otherwords its in NC at my roomate's condo and it will probably not be seing ohio unless i move back for good. Wow now that was a funny comeback or more so joke. I am really impressed by the orginality of that statement. IF that hasnt been said enough times on this board. But really nice job man! graemlins/jerkit.gif
  7. thought the same thing
  8. am i the only one who thought those girls were not that hot at all. The girl with the big boobs looked good until the bottom pics then she was hit. the only hot one was *** last one
  9. Check your pms I gave you the prices on the LCDs just call me if you have any questions or to get one.
  10. i agree, i only like *** 867-5309 song. it was made when i was liek 5
  11. because it sounds cooler then naming it after a fucking window
  12. i will be getting that i am running panther right now.
  13. do you know when that is?
  14. ummmm I LOVE hott girls!!!!
  15. I will check the prices out on sat or sunday, they are good though trust me on that
  16. I need one around 90 watts if anyone has one around that? Maybe I should say 50 or higher.
  17. I work at best buy i can help you out with that, we just now got in these gateway lcds and we get like half off. There is a 26, 23, 17 and 15inch monitors to choose from.
  18. Sept 4th baby, Ohio State begins its championship run....hopefully!! Also Ohio State BB finally got a good coach who should be able to bring in some really good recruits!!
  19. thta would be career suicide for her if that was but hott non the less
  20. did you take that at your gay club? just playing but yea she is hott
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