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Everything posted by cNeutron

  1. cNeutron

    car loans

    I am getting a loan for my new car. When my mom went today to check on the interest rates it was 8%-8.5% that seems a little high to me. My parents are going to cosign on the loan and they have perfect credit. So why would the loan be so much or should i just try another bank. We are going through 5/3rd by the way. Any help would be much appreciated.
  2. a giant dueshe and a turd sandwhich !!
  3. hey venomss is that just 35% tint or is it darker. BTW beautiful car and great job man on the detail.
  4. Totally unrelated but did anyone go to Circle S farm as a kid? We always used to go in the fall.
  5. I rock the board, big fan of the snow bunnies too haha
  6. I really dont think she is that good looking. Her boobs are saggy at least they look that way in the pink one. Her torso is also large IMO. I have that issue i am just not into her.
  7. very true. They arent a great team that isnt ignorant they buy their team. The best sport to see where great teams is the NFL where there is a SALARY CAP!! IF your draft picks dont work out and they suck you are fucked. You just cant sign anyone in the league to come ina nd fill the gap. The Yankees give baseball a horrible name. I love to see the yankees lose because you can buy all the allstars in the world but you cant buy heart. Thats what the Bo Sox have and thats why they are going to win the series.
  8. dude its cool the harry dude just doesnt get it, hes a yankees fan who doesnt even know what a real team is
  9. Dynasty? Dynasty?? How the fuck would the be a Dynasty?? You idea of a dynasty must be seriously mistaken. To be a dynasty you actually have to win the world series multiple times in a row. They have lost the last 2 times they have been there. You are a dumbass to even call them a dynasty becasuse they arent even close. They are a bought team that is good only by their payroll.
  10. cNeutron


    i agree, yankees is the reason why their should be a salary cap. The team should be broken up and so that smaller market teams can have some what of a chance. Its not just by chance that NFL is the most watched sport. There you have to build your team over years not months like baseball who can just go get a new guy to fill the gap. Another reason why football is the greatest sport on the planet!
  11. sorry to hear about that man. I work at Circuit City on Morse road in the roadshop. Unfortunatly its not that easy to just get a new faceplate. You are going to have to get a whole new pioneer head unit. If you come in i can show you some pioneer headunits for your sis car. I can see what i can do as far as helping you with a better price. I cant promise anything though. Just pm me if you are interested
  12. oh fuck off did you not read the rest of it i said i dont even care so get over it.
  13. well i really would like to hear your reasons why? because kerry doesnt have a record that is worth anything i just dont know what anyone would see in him. But i really do want to hear why you support him. And try to keep it about kerry and not bush bashing because that is no argument then.
  14. so your entire basis of likeing kerry derives from disliking bush? In otherwords you really cant say what you like about kerry but what you can say is how you dislike bush? Then you said you liked kerry before the movie, but just now you jsut made a direct reference to it? I question your reasons for liking kerry, becasue quite frankly no one really has any good ones. To vote for kerry just because you dont like Bush is just wrong. That is no way to cast a vote out of pure spite. Im def for voting and i think everyone should but if thats the only reason why you (anyone too) should vote for kerry. Vote for a independent if there is one this election.
  15. so what should he get a sentra? actually i dont even know why i care i sold my car.
  16. well 3000gt are expensive to mod out. So if i were you i would keep saving.
  17. cNeutron


    yea here that, there are some hott girls.....
  18. really funny.....i hope they make more videos
  19. i use limewire and i get pretty fast connections
  20. NOT BEST BUY...... I left and just went to circuit WAY better.
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