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Everything posted by cNeutron

  1. I fucking hate Circuit City i have to be there from 530 AM- 11PM
  2. that thing looks straight out of Vice City
  3. i swear to god i saw that car in westerville like 2 days ago. I was behind it for like 1 min. It was at 161 and sunbury. I hope you can find your car man
  4. cNeutron

    Xbox questions

    there are no bundles at least non that i have seen. As far as the special edition is concerened once you get the game you wont have time to watch the dvd. But it is something cool to have and it is only 5 bucks more. My name on Xbox live is cabotsupratt hope to see you on there soon.
  5. WOW AG is really starting to get pissed off. He needs to chill out i understand he is trying to keep Ohio states hands clean but he doesnt need to say some of the shit he does.
  6. I thought SRS sucked really bad. The handling sucked and it isnt even close to as good as NFSU. Just my opinion though.
  7. cNeutron

    host pics

    Can anyone host my pics?
  8. im picking it up tonight and i wont deny it i liked the first one, and i know alot of you did too even if you admit it or not.
  9. is she hott?? That is all that matters
  10. Damn i cant watch it because the comps at work wont let you because it has EX in the title and consider it SEX fucking gay....but i bet its pretty fucking sweet
  11. my cracker!! graemlins/cry.gif that just sucks R.I.P.
  12. I already bought sirius stock....its going to go big trust me you are right when howard hits and the other things they have on the way. Its so cheap too.
  13. Whats everyones tags? So i can school your asses in halo 2!! hah just playing but so we can get a clan together. I also have like madden and ESPN nhl 2K5 mine is cabotsupratt
  14. I dont understand why people have such a problem with abercrombie. I dont mind paying the prices for their cloths. I am more so bias because i used to work for hollister and i got hired at abercrombie. I just think if you dont like their cloths or prices why do you have to let everyone know? Just go shop at the store you feel comfortable going into and stop dissing on other ones that people like. Its all personal preference and people need to stop bitching about how they dislike it. No one is making you buy the cloths so stop complaning.
  15. wow that is def a red headed step child
  16. cNeutron

    Halo 2

    EB games at polaris at 12!! get their earlier and make a preorder to ensure that you are going to get it!
  17. cNeutron

    car loans

    Yea we ended up getting alot better. whoever told my mom that wasnt well informed now we are around 4%. But thanks for the help from everyone
  18. wow i was wrong about my pick
  19. patriots by 14, nothing against the steelers but i believe that the pats will really show that Ben is a rookie. He is going to hit a walla nd that wall is bruschi (sp). I do think he is a great QB though
  20. I think that i should be president! ohhhhhh yea
  21. cNeutron

    car loans

    do you think its more so the bank? We didnt apply yet for it my mom just asked. So do you think that it still might be lower just a 8% average?
  22. cNeutron

    car loans

    the car that i am getting is a 2002 Mustang GT. I heard the year would change things but i didnt think it would be that much
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