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Everything posted by Mensan

  1. To state that the law is always shades of grey is a bit of a cop out, and to tell us that you could prove me wrong but you won't put the time into it without being paid is also a cop out. You can state that's it's due to conflict of interest if you like, however you've already given pretty public opinion regarding this. In addition, if you follow the link I posted earlier, it references a thread where you agreed with me when we were talking about a different scenario with similar characteristics. What was the purpose of the bankruptcy comment?
  2. Tell them not to, take a firm stance, in the end they're 18 and will do what 18 year olds do. By telling them no, you're still showing that you have rules and an opinion, but by letting them stay there anyway you know what will happen and at least they're safe. It's the ILLUSION of being a stern parent. You can't just give them the ability to do whatever they want...But you have to understand that they're people. I had to sneak around and break rules when I was 18...And I did.
  3. http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/showpost.php?p=1827637&postcount=14
  4. So you can't prove your own point. Very well, I accept your admission of defeat.
  5. While you're waiting, why don't you prove your argument with proper citations and case law.
  6. While you are correct in stating that you should not enter an intersection unless you can clear it, in this instance we are talking about the collision. In the case of the bike entering the intersection, he was absolutely in the wrong for entering while the intersection was full of cars. If you feel the driver of the white car, along with the other drivers in the intersection, should be cited, then I won't argue; but the accident is 100% the fault of the biker who had no business in an intersection not yet clear.
  7. Jason, check out an app called "GreenBid", it was developed by a friend of mine and will do everything you want for your business and more. No need for you to create anything. I'm not sure if it's available for anything other than Apple devices though. https://www.greenbid.net/
  8. http://bbsimg.ngfiles.com/1/17381000/ngbbs48c06b86ef042.jpg
  9. Policy analysis conducted by the Cato Institute, an American libertarian think tank, argued that United States fiscal policy allocated approximately US$92 billion in the 2006 federal budget toward programs that the authors considered to be corporate welfare. Subsequent analysis by the institute estimated that number to be US$100 billion in the 2012 federal budget.
  10. It's hard to be outraged over $15,000 slated for a study to train an engineering group at a college. If you want to complain about your tax dollars at work, complain about any number of privatized companies contracted by the government who can bill wahtever they choose. Since it's government money going to private firms, the term that is most commonly used is "welfare for the rich".
  11. It looks like the purpose is to look into the creation of a method that reduces flare ups of grease? I've had grease catch fire in my grill. I wouldn't mind seeing if they can find a way to fix it. I don't see anything in the EPA link about regulations or changes to laws, only that a university is doing a study. I don't see the problem.
  12. I didn't run a red light. I had proof I did not run a red light. I was found guilty even though they admitted I was not in the car and committed no crime. Sounds like a problem to me. Thanks for your (incorrect and unsolicited) opinion.
  13. http://forums.columbusracing.com/forums/picture.php?albumid=453&pictureid=3417
  14. The law in Ohio is that if you are in the intersection before the light turns red, you are legal to wait for your opportunity to progress safely. You have the right of way if you have to wait for cars coming from the other direction. If the light turns green on the other side, those cars have to wait for you to clear the intersection before they can proceed. Edit: Since I know people will dispute what I said above, it's contained in ORC4511.13(A)1(a)ii, and 2(b).
  15. Yes. Pissed me off too. Not for a civil ticket. They can ticket and fine you, and the burden of proof lies on the accused. Not true. I saw the video of my car going through the light. It was a full video from three different angles, starting before the car entered the intersection. I was reimbursed by the person who was driving my car.
  16. I had proof that I was not in the country when my car went through a red light. Since it's a civil ticket, I had to pay anyway.
  17. Buy this, keep the totaled car. http://stlouis.craigslist.org/cto/4917812808.html
  18. This can't be possible. They always have rolls of that stuff.
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