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Everything posted by Mensan

  1. OK...So the poor chick can't afford to keep her car on the road...They do an ass ton of work to the truck without her approval...And then tell her she can't sell it after they put a whole bunch of shit in there she doesn't actually need? Food > Loud stereo and cool paint Maybe she has her priorities straight, or maybe she is a greedy bitch. Who knows?
  2. I know if some people catch you stealing their cars, it could be a capital offense. smile.gif
  3. Mensan

    The Cardinal.

    Cool story, well written. Also, it is ILLEGAL. Just thought you should know.
  4. Mensan

    BMW vs BMW

    Guess that thing about EU being ahead of the US and Japanese markets doesn't hold true in this case.
  5. Next thing we know, Keith will get a job working for the ACLU. Lighten up, man. http://mark8.org/users/Eli/1/cr/1outof4.jpg
  6. http://mark8.org/users/Eli/1/cr/sig.jpg
  7. http://mark8.org/users/Eli/1/cr/pussy.warrior.jpeg
  8. Mensan

    BMW vs BMW

    Also, lets not forget the problems with the nikasil linings in some of the cylinder bores, causing complete engine failure.
  9. How much time did this take?
  10. http://www.chick.com/reading/tracts/0046/0046_01.asp
  11. Mensan

    I'm back

    I see they didn't include any kind of spellcheck program. Didn't know you were away, but welcome back.
  12. Mensan


  13. This is a known problem with many, many GM products. I replaced the motor in my wifes car, only to have the other side go bad shortly after. They never fixed the design flaw, so it is of no use to buy new ones. Just get some junkyard units for $25 apiece and be done with it, until they fail again (which is inevitable). If you need a hand finding some, or advice on replacing them, let me know.
  14. http://mark8.org/users/Eli/1/3372.jpeg
  15. I have never paid for a service plan, but I grew up poor and perhaps that makes me a little more frugal. I have been asked many different times to purchase one, and by not doing it and never having a product failure I am ahead several thousand dollars. However, my wife has a friend in MD who bought a printer, and shortly after that her house flooded. She had paid for the plan, and when the power supply was immersed in water, they sent her a check for the full purchase price($300), even though she was only asking for the power supply ($45). The printer (with a new power supply) is on my desk right now, working perfectly.
  16. Yeah, because you had the pearl car running in what, 5 years? Oh wait, it NEVER ran again.
  17. Joe and Eric, your arguments are flawed. Joe, no matter how much you like the F-Body, it was not designed to be a road raced car. If you make enough modifications, it will do fairly well, but it still stands that theu fundamental design limits the cars abilities. Perhaps if GM had intended to make it a race car it would do better, and you know more than I do about its limitations, but that was not the intention of GM. This is not a "my car is better" argument, hell my car is an even worse platform. Eric was trying to point out (rather uncouthly) that the car is race bred, and the driver is most likely experiencing things that the majority of people on CR have only seen in videos like this one. I think you offended him and his road course racing experience (since he has raced his "tank" in a similar fashion), and he feels you have no right to voice an opinion with no road course experience. I'm sure everything was taken out of context. Eric, rather than argue about your personal car as opposed to the F-Body, why don't you argue about the better driver; i.e., challenge someone to run a course in the same car, which will give you the results you need. If Joe can run a faster time in your car, then you would have more respect for him, I am sure. That is the only challenge with results that will matter. The same goes for a pass down the strip. If you could drive Joes car faster, I am sure he would give you MAD PROPZ as well. Get along boys, that's what we're about.
  18. http://www.rathergood.com/gaybar/ Another swf starring viking kittens.
  19. You can stay there for $500 a night, I used to live in Dubai. I never stayed there, but our product rep lived in a house you can see in one of the pics. We would visit her occasionally. I did stay in the Emirates Towers, which is almost as amazing. When we got the apartment, it was in the Golden Sands II, which was right behind the Ramada.
  20. have you ever met sam? Edit...NOT ELI POSTING [ 26. February 2005, 03:48 AM: Message edited by: Mensan ]
  21. When looking at electrical symbols, it means "micro". Edit: Also the sorority of the fat chicks in "Revenge of the Nerds".
  22. Electric Six. Oldie, but a favorite.
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