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Posts posted by Mensan

  1. Originally posted by Jooomer:

    Actually, Bonneville's are one of the most luxurious cars in it's class. Just because it's not a $70,000 german car does not mean it isn't a luxury car. Ride in one sometime, especially a new one, they are NICE cars!

    I have ridden in one, that's why I was confused. That's like that guy on here that was saying he modified his Grand Prix because he wanted luxury and speed. I didn't know they were luxurious either. Maybe I just have high standards. They're OK, but not what I consider luxurious.
  2. Originally posted by Rotary Jihad:

    This will not work and is a bad idea.


    This requires electricity to run. To make electricity the car has to turn the alternator. The car turns the alternator with a belt. This device then converts the electricity back to a physical force that turns the compressor. At the very least you have efficiency losses. Every time you convert one form of energy to another you lose some of the overall power.


    How is it any easier to turn an alternator than to jsut turn the compressor? It isn't. It gets worse when you consider the strain on the electrical system.


    Before anyone asks, no turning an alternator isn't easier than turning a blower. The alternator will have to make more power, you'll have to have a bigger alternator which is going to be harder to turn.

    I disagree. That is how your electric fan works, and it does save power. I would imagine there would be a microswitch on the throttle (like with nitrous kits) to keep it out of boost when the throttle is closed. I think it could work, especially since it is made by KKK. They make good stuff.
  3. Originally posted by Mowgli:

    Will it go for more thant the 05 LS2 powered ones (if they come out)? No. Quote me on that. tongue.gif

    Apples to oranges. The GTO will retain its value, not be a collector car. The point was someone said the GTO will be worth more because of its limited number in a specific engine size. While I don't necessarily agree with that, what I do believe is that you won't be able to touch a GTO for less than 90% of its original selling price in a few years. The same thing happened with the 94-96 Impalas. Three years after they came out the used ones were selling for $2k more than what they originally sold for. They weren't worth what the Vettes of the same year were (and no one expected them to), but they did retain their value, which was the point I was making.
  4. Originally posted by Mowgli:

    As for whoever it was that was speculating on the lower power earlier models becoming more rare/collectible because of it... not likely.


    All the old muscle cars of a lower power trim consistently collected lower dollar values than their higher power versions, regardless of their rarity. For example I can't think of any 350 or 396 Chevelles that outpriced a 454, and there were some odd combos in the 350s... etc. I doubt the GTO will be any different come 2025.


    Anyhow, I'm itching to see one.

    Wait, you mean like the 53 Corvettes with the inline 6 cylinders? :rolleyes:


    Not comparing the GTO to the 53 Corvette, just proving a point. Believe what you like, the 04 GTO will be a sought after item, and it will retain its value. You can quote me on that one.

  5. Thanks guys. That guy from the ebay link quoted me 225 shipped for both fronts and the rear piece too. I think I'm going to shop around. U wrench it sounds like the place to start.
  6. This is my sister-in-laws 82 Regal. It is an original 35k mile one owner car.




    Here is the problem. There is a large chunk missing out of the side, and it seems the other side is going to do the same thing very soon. We were wondering where to get the replacement pieces for it. If you guys could help out, we would really appreciate it.



  7. I had the same problem recently. Apparently if you use kazaa or similar you may be under attack from a virus. CTRL/ALT/DEL and see if a process called sysupd.exe is running. If so, restart in safe mode and delete C:/WINDOWS/sysupd.exe, and then run your ad aware or whatever. Should take it all right off. My system was 1000x faster afterward.
  8. Originally posted by BusterHyman:

    i have to clean out this damn house and these cant stay

    Hmmm. Girlfriend might get mad if you own too much porn? What do you do for a living again? tongue.gif
  9. We, the Senior Members Commitee, have been getting virtually NO feedback from anyone on the board about anything. We are here to help ease troubles with the board, including problem moderators. If anyone feels they have something to say, but can't say it to a mod or otherwise, feel free to contact anyone with a gavel ( http://www.columbusracing.com/ubb/gavel3.gif ) behind their name. We will all, as a committee, take your concern under review, and make a decision. Feel free to contact us about anything. I would not, however, recommend abusing this privelage or using our contact info for humorous purposes. That said, we open our doors to you.


    EDITED TO ADD CONTACT INFO, and to add that people need to address us directly BEFORE posting publicly with complaints, rather than clutter the board.


    Contact info:


    Beer Guy










    [ 10. November 2004, 11:16 PM: Message edited by: Mensan ]

  10. Originally posted by Tire Killer:

    Translation: "You citizens made us look bad. We don't spend all day eating donuts and handing out traffic tickets. Oh, err, wait. Never mind."


    Translation #2: "You can't catch criminals if you're not a union member."


    What is a police officer if he's not a regular citizen like the rest of us? :rolleyes:

    I disagree, I think he was obligated to say that. I am willing to bet that the majority of the time, if you were to find a sexual prerdator in your neighborhood and beat him with a bat, (especially if you were 12 and a potential victim) the cop may..."look the other way". Then again, you could be right.
  11. Originally posted by Keyword:

    He brags about the medals he earned in the military, yet when he came back from 'Nam he completely turned hippy and was against everything. Yet now he talks about how he proudly served the U.S. and earned all these medals and is a war hero. Bullshit.

    He signed up to do a job. He did it. He didn't want to, but did anyway. After he was done, he voiced his complaints about what he thought was wrong. In his situation, where he disagreed with what was going on, what he did was perfectly commendable. I have been to the middle east, while serving in our military, and I can tell you *I* believe we have no reason to be in Iraq. When did you serve again?
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