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Everything posted by bahd-ler

  1. I have an extra stock radio/cd player out of my 2000 Ram, I think that they are mostly universal, $50 obo takes it. Heres a pic: http://i148.photobucket.com/albums/s28/d19sevent2/Picture004-1.jpg Thanks, Dennis
  2. lol that was completly off topic but funny as hell
  3. bahd-ler


    Dude post that vid up, I didnt make it that night and I wanted to see the vid..
  4. that damn t9 word, its supposed to know what I'm thinking
  5. I just texted a girl..... I wanna kick ur puppy, fucked that one all up
  6. Adam, this isn't Gary is it? Fucking Roberts dad.... I remeber when I played little league, he sat in the front row of the bleachers with Daisy Dukes on and is balls hanging out, every kid in the on deck circle that inning slugged Robert in the arm.... Shits nasty, btw I saw him in the corner market yesterday buying 2 40's....
  7. That"s the funniest post in the thread.
  8. dude I saw that for the first time sunday on NC.... thats as funny as him like rolling that 15 times and giving a waa hoo and the end.
  9. the boats engine makes noise, motherfucker
  10. I bought a Cummins last spring, I love the motor more and more everyday from the sound to the power, at that I do not like the truck.... but I feel the 3rd gen's (03 and up) were made stronger. There is no such thing as a perfect world, if so the ford w/ with the cummins and the ally tranny would be it. With the 6 cyl. the sky is really the limit with power and they get better fuel mileage. I've heard of 20mpg and I've seen it, but thats driving like a baby. The ford 6.0l had bad head stud problems and the Cummins had bad fuel pump problems. You'll be happy with the Cummins but I can't promise anything on the Dodge. Plus the Cummins usually has better resale, and the motor is like a mini semi motor.
  11. Itihink I remember that day, cause my roommate ben ran and got the HID's
  12. I watched that episode the other night, and my Mom was like "wtf", then slowly starting laughing, which was followed by tears she laughed so hard.
  13. Agreed, can't understand a thing.... I might need a translator
  14. Imagine see that crazy ass white boy in your rear view.... in a suit. Plus hitting some gravel would suck, like in the disney movie Brink! Crazy as hell.
  15. Imagine trying to get that sled stopped when something goes wrong. And that first one was a good throw.
  16. Everybody loves to point the finger, how about we broke it.... Bush is one man of many in our government.... and so is Obama. There is more to it than our president and excecutive branch. Checks and Balancesss..... I learned this in 3rd grade
  17. never was posted.... It does say that it is a 6-speed car
  18. I was over on the cumminsforum and found a supra for sale. Thought someone might be intrested. It has Indiana plates so might be close. Here is the info (I copied and pasted): I am selling my 95 SUPRA TT 6 speed. I have over 65k invested in this car..total SHOW car...everything is new inside and out. I am the 2nd owner..under 200 miles on engine,trans,and all other parts. Has the best of everything and was professionaly built . I am considering partial trades on a newer 4 door or mega cab turbo diesel dodge. Email me for pics and specs. murphydssc@hotmail.com http://i148.photobucket.com/albums/s28/d19sevent2/kkkk.jpg http://i148.photobucket.com/albums/s28/d19sevent2/llll.jpg http://i148.photobucket.com/albums/s28/d19sevent2/iiii.jpg http://i148.photobucket.com/albums/s28/d19sevent2/mmmm.jpg http://i148.photobucket.com/albums/s28/d19sevent2/uuuu.jpg
  19. bahd-ler

    Time Warner

    Is anyone else's cable screwing up.... some times at certian times it sounds like I blew the T.V. speakers and thats if I can get the sound to quit cutting in and out. And to top that off it takes extra long for a chanel to show up, te speed channel hasn't worked in 2 days. This is happening at my parents as well as my apt.
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