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Everything posted by bahd-ler

  1. not surprising, not at all surprising
  2. thats funny, I thought the same thing when the use the restroom, who pushes?
  3. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l6aAYmsS1xk&feature=related Check out the blonde at the end trying to open the bottom of the bottle
  4. Does Ben still have his car, last I really heard was he was taking up north cause it was missing or something
  5. http://i148.photobucket.com/albums/s28/d19sevent2/Gun001.jpg http://i148.photobucket.com/albums/s28/d19sevent2/Gun004.jpg http://i148.photobucket.com/albums/s28/d19sevent2/Gun005.jpg
  6. Dad just got back from jamaica, brought back alot of goodies since he is an avid cigar smoker. He gave me a couple "A Fuente Gran Reserva" don't know if thats sold here or not. I'm more in to the more "mild, moister" ones.
  7. bahd-ler

    King of guns..

    In the third pic down does he have a silencer on the gun in the middle... is this guy in the U.S.
  8. Man, I was reading the post, and knew from the get go someone was trying to get an undercover rise. Didn't think everyone was goig to fall for it tho.... First post sounded like linn. ha ha that was good
  9. Yea it was a .22 mag too. they had to of them.
  10. Thanks Mitch and Blackwing. Great gun and great buy. close me
  11. Quality ftw, and I don't know about the other places but the lifetime warrenty it.
  12. you're supposed to be buying it... and where the hell have you been
  13. Green wood laminent, 28" barrel w choke. National Wild Turkey Foundation model 1300 12ga. BRAND NEW. $300
  14. ask him what he wants for it and we'll go from there
  15. I'll check it out... thanks
  16. My Dads been talking about a 410/22 over/under. I've never seen one but am looking to buy one for him. Does anyone have or know of one for sale. Thanks
  17. I poured a bench pad at park of roses one time and I just pulled my truck right over top of it to keep punks on the bike path from fucking with it.... Left after 5 hrs and they still got to it. It sucks when you really take pride in your work. See it all the time. Oh and the kids that must attend what must be whetestone look like they're 11 and feen for cigerettes, little bastards
  18. Where in the ball sack have you been... and I had a LT1 t/a slow as 4.6. Thats why they're rare.
  19. I have no respect/remorse for strippers/pornstars, but in a way still really like them. I absolutly hate when the presets of the radio aren't in order. I can't stand/understand people who don't take care of their/others belongings.
  20. I just had 3 calls on the stuff. First come first serve.
  21. I probably about 25-30 miles from Galloway
  22. Poor Kid watches too much porn, but isn't smart enough to understand it. Funny as shit, but I think we all have met a kid like this.
  23. x2 especially the history channel or something I enjoy watching, it seems the more informative it is to me the faster Ill fall asleep, the more boring the longer I stay up. I hate waking up in the middle of the night because I cant fall back asleep watching infomercials and lifetime movies, I'll watch the whole damn thing.
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